I've a quote fetish, so my favorite changes very often. At the moment it's either one of these:
"It is said that the civilized man seeks out good and intelligent company, so that by learned discourse, he may rise above the savage, and be closer to God. Personally, however, I like to start the day with a total dickhead to remind me that I'm best." -Sir Edmund Blackadder
"Maailma on hullu ja jokainen sofistikoiduinkin mielipide kätkee sisäänsä primitiiviset voimat - ahdistuksen, himon ja janon." -Aarne Ankka
Free translation: "World is crazy and every opinion, even the most sofisticated ones, hide the primitive forces inside of them, anxiety, lust and thirst." -Aarne Ankka
Btw. I recommend Aarne Ankka to everyone. It's a swedish comic, I don't know what is its original name, but Aarne Ankka is the finnish name. It's satirical comic about cynical alcoholic poet that looks like Donald Duck.