Favorite quote?


The Enemy Of All
May 17, 2002
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here is my favorite quote:

The portal has been past and it's time to make a turn
to follow the reaper until the point of no return.

i just love that part in Follow the Reaper
"Kreator - Violent Revolution" is full of great phrases :)

If you're able to read german, look at my sig, this quote really rules, at least it does in the context of the book.
It's "Woyzeck" by Georg Buechner. It's as great as it's weird, and it's fucking weird :D
And I looked as he opened the seventh seal, and the moon became as blood and the sky was red and the seas boiled

"It's the weirdest thing, I felt like I've been in a coma
for about 20 years and I'm just now waking up..."

- Lester Burnham

(or anything else from American Beauty)
I've a quote fetish, so my favorite changes very often. At the moment it's either one of these:

"It is said that the civilized man seeks out good and intelligent company, so that by learned discourse, he may rise above the savage, and be closer to God. Personally, however, I like to start the day with a total dickhead to remind me that I'm best." -Sir Edmund Blackadder


"Maailma on hullu ja jokainen sofistikoiduinkin mielipide kätkee sisäänsä primitiiviset voimat - ahdistuksen, himon ja janon." -Aarne Ankka

Free translation: "World is crazy and every opinion, even the most sofisticated ones, hide the primitive forces inside of them, anxiety, lust and thirst." -Aarne Ankka

Btw. I recommend Aarne Ankka to everyone. It's a swedish comic, I don't know what is its original name, but Aarne Ankka is the finnish name. It's satirical comic about cynical alcoholic poet that looks like Donald Duck.