Favorite S-Club 7 girl

dont believe him! i like sigur ros and i dont like the GYBE album i have [+20 for using abreviations]
Bambi said:
sigur ros are okay, bit too clever for me. I saw 'em live and was bored after about 40 minutes so I went to the pub

Maybe they're not a typical concert band, I mean I like listening to their music while lying on my bed not when it's time for headbanging :)

I haven't seen them live though, so I don't know.
cedarbreed said:
Concerning Belgian bands; Length of Time ownz Channel Zero. And if you like Sigur Ros you must try Godspeed You Black Emperor !
LOT are SO...... GOOD, probably the most underrated metalband in the world.
They came to Iceland and held a concert which the police stopped.
They only finished half of their set !

"Shame to this Weakness modern world!"

What kind of music does Channel Zero play? Any links?

GYBE´s music doesn´t "go" anywhere...
Mariner said:
common spermtweet. you have a dozen of CZtracks and you like them.

Yeah I like them but I prefer my 3 LOT CD's :p And their album that is about to come out is gonna be their best ever :OMG: Dark stuff !! really !! *LOSING MY HEAVEN*
airman said:
LOT are SO...... GOOD, probably the most underrated metalband in the world.
They came to Iceland and held a concert which the police stopped.
They only finished half of their set !

"Shame to this Weakness modern world!"

maybe they were annoyed with their satanist stuff ?