Favorite solos?


New Metal Member
May 2, 2005
Nassau County, NY
this has probably been done before a billion times... but what are your favorite opeth solo(s)?

mine is probably leper affinity

feel free to post other bands too
Yes natalie portman is fucking hot, she can even pull no hair of, she looks like an egyptian priestess. And the profeshional was cool, but i wouldnt say she as hot in that.

Ps i hate george lucas, faggot is no where near as cool as lando griffen
ive always personally liked the by the pain i see in others solo....i dunno, something about that just gives me chills every time i hear it
I'm going to cheat and pick three:

All of the solos from Deliverance (the song)
2nd Windowpane solo (surprisingly I'm the first to mention it in this thread)
Serenity Painted Death

Honorable mention: White Cluster (just cause it sounds so damn hard to play)
Yeah, Forest of October kick's some ass IMO. Leper is nice too.
Petrucci's Under a glass moon or Fatal Tragedy are great too.
Leper Affinity = very simple. Triplets sound cool though. :rock:

I'm also going to pick like 7 and say:

Blackwater Park
White Cluster
The Funeral Portrait
Circle Of Tyrants
A Fair Judgement
Window Pane

I'm seriously fickled
My favourites are:

Forest of October
Black Rose Immortal
White Cluster (man, does that section rule, or what?)

Edit: Hadn't seen that other people picked White Cluster as well. I'm glad I'm not alone on this one