Favorite Song From Casting The Stones


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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I was able to finally pick up Casting The Stones this week and I must say I am really impressed. I knew it would be amazing although it actually exceeded my already high expectations - great work guys! :worship:

As for the topic I am creating here, I'd have to say my favorite song is either Achilles or Precipice. Achilles is just the best two minutes and 45 seconds I've ever listened to and Precipice is one of those songs I find myself covered with goosebumps throughout. The acoustic sections are just brilliant!
I've started enjoying "Feast Or Famine" a lot. They're right when they say the more you listen, you'll enjoy certain songs differently.
JudgementDay said:
Mine would have to be "The Mission" with "Legion Immortal" coming in a very close second...

Guys, any word on playing them live?
Hey JudgementDay,
We are working on tour plans right now, but nothing firm yet.
My favorite is "Battered and Bruised" especially the part when harry sings "the falling of mankind has left us all behind"
My favorite for now is Battered And Bruised but it is a very hard choice. I really love The Harkening because of the vocal melodies that Harry created, he disearves an award for it! Precipice is also amazing... Bah! The whole album is great! Oh, even if Mark disagrees, Cold is nice, it is different from Panzer style, it has a special, singular groove...