Favorite Trilian Bass


New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2011
Hey Guys,

I recently got Trilian Bass But I haven't really played around with it much. From my understanding there's not too many electric bass to choose from So it shouldn't be that hard to figure out a good sound for a progressive metal style. Even so, for those of you who currently use it whats your favorite Trilian bass for metal. And if your feeling generous how do you Process it ?
I'd very much like to know as well, I bought it a while ago but only played with it a little bit. I hear alot of you turn off the amp sim in trillion and use a different one? How do you go about doing that?
Really I've never heard of anyone using impulses with trillion, Usually with amp sims but idk maybe i'm wrong. Daves review on SOS say "Studio Bass (Full Range): A clean, powerful model apparently popular with progressive and metal bassists (though don’t let that put you off), this sounds, to me, suspiciously like an absolutely perfectly recorded bass guitar." But id like to know, i've heard some really sick clips from people here using trilian
Really cause I've googled the shit outta trillian for metal I've looked on andy speaps forum and have been going through pages after pages of the production Thread and barely found anything I'm specifically looking for, So don't smart talk when you really don't know wtf your talking about. Vinny your an EPIC idiot
Really cause I've googled the shit outta trillian for metal I've looked on andy speaps forum and have been going through pages after pages of the production Thread and barely found anything I'm specifically looking for, So don't smart talk when you really don't know wtf your talking about. Vinny your an EPIC idiot

I was actually going to give you a hand, but I see lazy idiots like you come on and off of this and the sneap forum all the time and we don't need anymore of them. There are a RIDICULOUS amount of Trilian threads and telling Seth, "you really dont know wtf your talking about" just makes you look the dick lol. Seriously, go back to lurking in the shadows. This forum and the sneap forum dont need anymore rude, lazy, easy way out, magic preset, TACT noobs.
you know what ? your absolutely right. I've posted threads here and mainly on the sneap Forum showing my Mix's "Always" offering help to everyone who P's me telling them """Exactly""" how I got the sound not being a greedy pussy like half the people on the forums. Always giving away hard labored time and posting my signal chain. If you see my Posts here my sound isn't bad, its not Hq as fuck but its pretty decent, and its getting better. I only Post threads if when I come across the 10000 Trilian threads No one gives precise Info to help out a little. I'm not lazy, I've learned almost everything on my own through trial and error. So you know what your right, im a shadow lurking magic preset Guy,and your A judgmental Ignorant Kid who also doesn't know what hes talking about
Thats the first one I saw, There just wasn't a ton of preference Processing info Just quick
"tips" like the title says
Post count - 12
Hate count - the whole forum

Seriously, that thread tells who likes which basses and some even talk about what they use to reamp it with (which is exactly what you asked for)
Just to make you happy, I use the picked P-bass and then reamp it with some hard DI comping and another track to nigel.

btw, you coming here and asking what others use doesnt really fit your alibi of being a "trial and error kind of guy"
Lol I'm not gana bother, but anyways thank you Seth, I saw that you used the Picked P in the thread earlier and I just wanted a recourse understanding before I played around with it. anyways, thanks