Tips/advices for Trilian

Are any of you guys able to get it sounding good through the breakdowns? It just sounds way too fake. Sounds way too mechanical, even after I play with the velocities (Usually anywhere between 125-127)
Are any of you guys able to get it sounding good through the breakdowns? It just sounds way too fake. Sounds way too mechanical, even after I play with the velocities (Usually anywhere between 125-127)

I rarely go higher than 122. Between 80 and 120 is a good range for velocities when programming with trilian.

Dont try and palm mute your bass on break downs either, it takes away the punch and that fullness!
^At the moment im using, Tux guitar, I noticed that when I select Picked bass in TuxGuitar then import my midi file into Reaper, the audio sounds all weird and chopped up...BUT when I have the same exact file and choose Fingered Bass in Tux Guitar, then import that into Reaper it sounds a little more normal. Any of you guys having the same problem?

When your creating the bass track in tuxguitar or Guitar pro, what instrument do you usually choose?
Today I tried something different from what I've done before. I used the Clean Fender bass lowpassed blended
with a track of the Hardcore Rock bass highpassed and distorted. Sounds pretty cool I think... Breakdown.mp3

but soloed still sounds kinda fake, and "triliany" haha Breakdown 2.mp3

Oh yeah..that's me at the beginning saying "gimme bread" in spanish :lol:

I found that this method works better with the Pick P-Bass. Blending the lows from the Clean Fender with the 'grit' from the P-Bass sounds
a lot better. What I don't like about the P-Bass is the attack, to me it sounds too digital I think, very fake. But high passing it removes a lot from it, so
blend it and you'll see :D try it out.