favouirite guitars

Well I'm mad about the Warlock BC Rich guitar, I'm dreaming about it every night and I'm waiting to have for my birthday.
My friends keeps telling me that it is a little bit agressive and that I'd rather look for another onr wich is made for GIRLS but I'm still loving it.
BC Rich make the best guitars in the world
cadavria said:
Well I'm mad about the Warlock BC Rich guitar, I'm dreaming about it every night and I'm waiting to have for my birthday.
My friends keeps telling me that it is a little bit agressive and that I'd rather look for another onr wich is made for GIRLS but I'm still loving it.
BC Rich make the best guitars in the world

I owned a BC Rich NJ NT Warlock and its not bad but not great. It does play well sitting down but standing you need a belt thats 1 foot large otherwise the headstock keeps dropping and it gets EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!! :) The guitar is a bit too heavy too. Even with a wide belt the problem persist. On a scale from 1 to 10 id give it a 7.8 :)

I currently owned a Jackson Warrior MG from last year (EMG-HZ PUs). Its lighter then the Warlock its play better standing up but still is a bit headstock heavy. It sounds better with stock PUs but no matter what guitar you buy you always need to change the PUs (In most case at least). On a scale from 1 to 10 id give it a 9.0 :)

Next guitar Im going for is a Moser Bastard V (BVi-T). I read alot about it and it seems everybody loves them! The stock PUs are imitation of Dimarzio X2N at the bridge and I cant recall at the neck but still! Apparently it balances well and the guitar should sound better even tho the PUs are imitations! They are extremely high quality imports but they do cost more too! www.mosercustomshop.com/shred

Thorshammer said:
I want to get me a Jackson, but I don't have the reddies.

What Jackson did you have in mind? The new 2006 line-up is interesting because they change all the PUs for some Duncans I think. I would suggest a RR3 Professional or a Dinky MG.

I've played on at Guitar Center years ago too. It felt as awesome as I thought it would. Gibson's are fucken awesome, but good ones were always a little out of my price range.
Epiphone explorer is on my wanted list, as well as a Jackson. Jackson is a very good choise indeed because the price is not to high and still they manage to throw some duncan pickups in it.

An ESP Viper is on this moment my ultimate guitar, but it costs around 900 dollar so its to much for e as a student.
Dean guitars.. Dime used to be the only great name who used it, together with zack.. now trivium plays it (fuckin dime signatures versions.. or at least the same model.. whaha) but also the schenker brothers (scorpions, michael schenker group..) anyway here two of the most famous guitars of dimebag himself:


genaatloos said:
Dean guitars.. Dime used to be the only great name who used it, together with zack.. now trivium plays it (fuckin dime signatures versions.. or at least the same model.. whaha) but also the schenker brothers (scorpions, michael schenker group..) anyway here two of the most famous guitars of dimebag himself:

They are great guitars. My friend has one and they play really well. Only thing is they are a little on the heavy side. They might be the heaviest guitar I've ever held which makes it feel a little wierd just having one around your neck.
Heavier than a full grown Les Paul too??
I really like the Deans, especially the razorbacks, but the headstock is a bit TO much for me. Sometimes i have the feeling its a second body :p.
SantaSCSI said:
Heavier than a full grown Les Paul too??
I really like the Deans, especially the razorbacks, but the headstock is a bit TO much for me. Sometimes i have the feeling its a second body :p.

Yeah I'm usually not a fan of excessive headstocks either. B.C. Rich guitars annoy the hell outta me in part because of the headstock (In fact, because of the whole body of the guitar). Plus whenever I see someone with a B.C. Rich I always think, "Man that kid just wants to look so cool." Same thing goes for fancy inlays. Although if someone has the money to waste on a cool inlay then I hope to god that the guitar plays well at least. My friend has a Schechter that plays so well he bought it despite its corny as hell inlay.

Deans are an exception however because their quality is just so damned good. Plus their headstock isn't over the top or anything it's just a little on the big side for no reason.
Anglorfin said:
Yeah I'm usually not a fan of excessive headstocks either. B.C. Rich guitars annoy the hell outta me in part because of the headstock (In fact, because of the whole body of the guitar). Plus whenever I see someone with a B.C. Rich I always think, "Man that kid just wants to look so cool." Same thing goes for fancy inlays. Although if someone has the money to waste on a cool inlay then I hope to god that the guitar plays well at least. My friend has a Schechter that plays so well he bought it despite its corny as hell inlay.

Deans are an exception however because their quality is just so damned good. Plus their headstock isn't over the top or anything it's just a little on the big side for no reason.

I have to disagree on some of the shit you said. Im fine with anybody who doesnt like pointy guitars BUT, its not true that someone who buys pointy does so only to look cool. Ive been searching for a pointy guitar thats great for a long time now and NO BC Rich isnt it (Not anymore at least). Moser IS IT. I dont know about Dean really but they do look pretty nice.

Now of course I wouldnt take for granted what is said on the net but take a look: http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data4/Moser_Custom_Shop/Bastard_Vi-1.html

This is what im buying next, A pointy guitar that as an over the top headstock that plays better then some USA made guitars. And for the look, its not to look cool, its because I LIKE IT. No need to go further, I just like it! THATS IT!
Well if it's that expensive and has such great reviews like that I'd expect the quality to be excellent in all areas, and for you to be a serious player.

I should have clarified a little more when I talked about B.C. Rich's. Actually it's really only against B.C. Rich because when I see one I always just think that the kid sacrificed a quality guitar for a cool looking guitar. If I know a guitar is high end quality (which would mean high end price too) and looks cool too then that's really no problem. Same thing with a custom paintjob, I really don't mind it in this context. It's just the $300-$500 attention-getting guitars that sound horrible that I don't like. And I know half the time people buy them because they don't know better.
Ok i get your drift and I actually agree on that. Alot of people buy BC Rich just to look cool. If that wasnt true BC Rich wouldnt spend money creating low quality imports like the Bronze and Platium series. I owned a higher grade N.J neckthru Warlock from 1999-2000 and altho it did played great it was horrible to play with standing up!!! It cost me roughly 600 USD.

I use to be a fan of BC Rich till I realised they sacrificed playability for looks.

For all of you who doesnt know Neal Moser worked for BC Rich in the days were BC Rich still made sense. He got screwed over and now is running is on company. If you see a MCS (Moser Custom Shop) guitar that looks like a BC Rich, DONT BE FOOL! He didnt steal from BC Rich, ITS THE OThER WAY AROUND!
BC Rich:V's, Stealths, Ironbirds
Dean: V's, Dallas Toler-Wade style
Moser: Crucifire, Bastard VI
ESP/LTD: EX series
Harmony Central is by the way not really the best source for reviews but that aside.

I like pointy guitars like the dean razorbacks, ESP, jackson and so on, but BC is over my line. I cant really point the thing where I dont like them, maybe its just the shape.
genaatloos said:
Dean guitars.. Dime used to be the only great name who used it, together with zack.. now trivium plays it (fuckin dime signatures versions.. or at least the same model.. whaha) but also the schenker brothers (scorpions, michael schenker group..) anyway here two of the most famous guitars of dimebag himself:



micheal angleo batio uses them...

and he pwns all those guys.

real men shred ibanez anyways.