Favourite Authors

Probably. Considering it has nothing to do with the society...

I don't know latin, but in the books Bene means school. And Gesserit is the name of the society...
there's also the Bene Tleilax
Goodkind is different. He has a much more philosophical style. Characters often talk for upwards of 10 pages without anything really happening, just debating morality or whatever. The plots are not particularly complicated and there aren't all that many characters (compared with Martin, anyways :p). It's not typical fantasy - it's written in a much more adult style. Worth checking out. Get Wizard's First Rule and Stone Of Tears. If you don't like them, it's not for you. But I bet you'll dig it.

Cool, I'll check him out as soon as I can, thanks! Also, if you like the whole philosophical approach, you'd probably like R. Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing trilogy. The first book is called The Darkness That Comes Before. I'm a little past halfway, and it's one of the best things in fantasy that I've read in a while (since GRRM, of course). Definitely a writer to keep an eye on!

"Nynaeve tugged at her braid. Egwene crossed her arms beneath her breasts"

EDIT: I hated those women. Jordan really knew how to create odious female characters

Oh gods, SO much braid-tugging. I wanted to tear Nynaeve's arms off.


This game is not for the faint at heart, or liver. For seasoned alcoholics only, or at the _very_ least, alcoholics in training. Comments, additions welcome.

Directions: Get a group of RJ fans together. Assemble a large quantity of alcoholic beverages. Take turns reading passages (dealer's choice) from a book aloud. Note: beer or wine is recommended. Hard liquor should only be used in mixed drinks.
Shots will have you on the floor rather quickly.

Drink a sip if:

o Rand channels.
o Mat has a 'luck' episode.
o Perrin talks to wolves.
o Nynaeve tugs her braid.
o Nynaeve is an arrogant bitch.
o Rand laughs for no reason, causing Mat to wonder if he's going mad yet.
o Egwene thinks Rand is getting too big for his britches.
o Elayne acts like a spoiled princess.
o Min sees a vision.
o Aviendha talks/thinks about 'ji', 'toh', or dancing the spears.
o Moiraine manipulates someone.
o Lan's face appears to be 'carved from stone'
o Lan's face makes stone look soft.
o anyone's face/eyes make ice look warm
o Thom bows with flourishes of his cloak or "blows out his mustaches"
o Ishamael appears in a dream.
o Lanfear talks about power or glory.
o Fain giggles, froths, or otherwise demonstrates his ample madness.
o Faile is annoying.
o an Aes Sedai' face is described as having "the smooth, ageless look of one who has worked long with the power"
o Loial mentions a book
o Berelain appears in a skimpy outfit.
o Gawyn worries about Eg/El.
o Someone says that Galad is too good
o any male character thinks about how (other male character) is better with women.
o any male character acts chivalrous/macho towards a woman.
o any female character sniffs.
o any female character futzes with her skirt.
o any female character's neckline swoops in T'A'R.
o any female character "folds her arms beneath her breasts".
o any female character thinks about a man's nice 'shoulders'.
o Mat uses the Old Tongue.
o something about Seanchan culture is revealed.

That's awesome. Just add "Rand or Perrin thinks the other is great at talking to girls" to the list and it's complete.

Neither of those guys would have any chance in real life.
Ok, Lanfear was good. Rand should've sacked up and tapped that while he had the chance

I mean, come on. She was all over him, too.

Do you notice how every single woman in the entire series is hot? I wish real life was like that...although at least not all women are obnoxious domineering cunts.
Have you ever read Lovecraft's poem that parodies Eliot's The Waste Land? Not to knock Eliot, but it's a pretty funny poem (if you've read and know The Waste Land). Lovecraft's poem is called "The Waste Paper," or something like that, :cool:
I like the Shadow Over Innsmouth...pretty awesome.
If anyone could help me remember the name of the one about that guy who switches places with someone from an ancient alien civilization that ruled the planet millions of years ago and they have crazy architecture and shit, it would be awesome...been trying to remember that forever.