Favourite Black Metal albums

Rocky Raccoon

I am the Walrus
Feb 24, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand
We got a thread for fav death metal so I thought we could do a black metal one too. List your favourite black metal albums and give reasons why where possible..

I always dismissed black metal for some reason, i always just assumed it was full of rapid fire blasting and shreaking, but im finding myself getting into it and obviosly realising how stupid my assumptions were. :rolleyes:

Ruun is absolutely just blowing me away. (although not BM as such)

It feels good to be discovering something that im pretty sure im going to really enjoy once i find the right material.
Keith! said:
I always dismissed black metal for some reason, i always just assumed it was full of rapid fire blasting and shreaking, but im finding myself getting into it and obviosly realising how stupid my assumptions were. :rolleyes:

Ruun is absolutely just blowing me away. (although not BM as such)

It feels good to be discovering something that im pretty sure im going to really enjoy once i find the right material.

Kosovich loves it but I think he is into alot of average stuff. Im sure we can find some more quality stuff
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning
Mar de Grises - The Tatterdemalion Express (Black doom but i think it can count)
Emperor - Anthems to The Welkin at Dusk
Akercocke - Words that go unspoken, Deeds that go undone
Xasthur/ Nortt Split
dead as dreams - weakling
bergtatt - ulver
eld - enslaved
hvis lyset tar oss - burzum
blaze in the northern sky - darkthrone
nacthymnen - abigor
etc, etc...
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Deathspell Omega - Kenose
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger and Panzerfaust
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror
Kvist - For Kunsten...
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Setherial - Hell eternal
Setherial - Nord
Mörk Gryning - Tusen år har gått...
Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the black arts
Dark Funeral - Dark funeral
Immortal - Pure Holocaust

A few ones I like, "black metal" or not.
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var (Just a classic and timeless release, everything is where it should be and remains exciting and out there even to this day)
Borknagar - The Archaic Course (Great songwriting and execution, the vocals improve on Garm's work making this better than Olden Domain)
Summoning - Stronghold (Dreamy and very memorable metal, I find all their albums good)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust (Good songwriting minus the repetition of their later albums)
Dissection - The Somberlain (Great songs and atmosphere)
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung (Very emotive music distinguishes it from the rest of the "Grim" blackmetal scene)
MasterOLightning said:
People on this forum really do not like black metal for some reason. Their loss, I guess.

no, its people on this forum really dont know any black metal. just like about everything else that they need to be spoon fed 12 years after the fact or find it on a mikael playlist before theyll bother with it.

but most black metal is pretty terrible, so can you fault them entirely? i say not.