Favourite BM-related bands?

Jan 3, 2002
Drammen, Norge
So, here's the deal, I say BM-realated bands, because I don't want a thread about what is and what isn't Black Metal. In other words, anything BM rooted is close enough :)

Top ten, inpo:

1. Lucifugum (the ucranian one)
2. Emperor
3. Nokturnal Mortum
4. Keep Of Kalessin
5. Aborym
6. Anaal Nathrakh
7. Drudkh
8. Ihsahn
9. Mayhem
10. Horna
Um..you forgot Borknagar!!:lol:

I´m not the biggest black metal fan but i very much enjoy Emperor(and Ihsan) and Ulver. I dont like the ultra raw sound that much but Blood Fire Death-and on from Bathory is über cool stuff. And Borknagar of course!
Wow! This is an hard one! It's impossible to name just 10 bands... I'll list some of them in random order.
Borknagar (of course!) and all the "classics" from Norway: Emperor (my favourite) and all Ihsahn projects, Immortal, Burzum, Mayhem, Satyricon, Ulver, Enslaved, Arcturus, Windir (Hail Valfar!), and Keep Of Kalessin. Some from Sweden: Bathory, Otyg and all Vintersorg projects and the mighty Amon Amarth. Celtic Frost... Mithotyn... Spite Extreme Wing (from Italy), and some great bands from Germany like Gernotshagen and Menhir.
Damn! There are so many great bands. I'm sure I frogot some of the best but those are the first one that came to my mind.
Okay, I'll give it a shot, but there won't be any order to them. I'll just write the numbers to keep track of how many there are.

1. Emperor
2. Borknagar
3. Darkthrone
4. Ulver (I guess they count, as they're BM-related. I love Nattens Madrigal anyway.)
5. Arcturus
6. Ihsahn
7. In the Woods...
8. Solefald
9. Ne Obliviscaris
10. Agalloch
11. Primordial

(I made 11 both because I simply couldn't choose, and because I put in Ulver as well)
When I plug my hard drive in, I'll answer. I can't check my cds because I don't have them all with me and I can't remember any of the albums I have on my Hard drive :lol:
Bands I listen to a fair bit:

1. I shouldn't have to say 'Borknagar', because why else would I be on this forum?! :lol:
2. Vintersorg and any other projects even remotely connected to a Mr. Andreas Hedlund of Skellefteå, Sweden.
3. Ne Obliviscaris. Seriously, this Australian band just amazes me, and they should be signed. Quickly.
4. Silencer. I just love the jazz-ish drumming; that combined with the harsh guitar and vocals are the stuff if nightmares.
5. Darkthrone. Good, old school stuff.
6. Ordo Tyrannis. Good friend of mine, and good music to boot. I need to give them a plug.

Stuff I listen to once in a while:

1. Alcest
2. Solefald
3. Anaal Nathrakh
4. Black Funeral
5. Finntroll
My favorites:
Ved Buens Ende(and Virus of course!)

I also like: Deathspell Omega, Dissection, Enslaved, In The Woods..., Keep Of Kalessin, Manes, Rotting Christ, Samael, Satyricon, Solefald, Summoning, etc
let's see...

5-Ulver (black/folk trilogy)
7-Nokturnal Mortum

and so many others of course, as Nargaroth, Bathory, Gorgoroth, etx
1. Borknagar
2. Limbonic Art
3. Emperor
4. Aborym
5. Deathspell Omega
6. Arcturus
7. Xasthur
8. Burzum
9. Mysticum
10. Nokturnal Mortum

Honorable mentions to Blacklodge, Celtic Frost, Crionics, Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Leviathan, Nachtmystium, Obsidian Gate, Samael, Satyricon and Summoning.
So, here's the deal, I say BM-realated bands, because I don't want a thread about what is and what isn't Black Metal. In other words, anything BM rooted is close enough :)

Top ten, inpo:

1. Lucifugum (the ucranian one)
2. Emperor
3. Nokturnal Mortum
4. Keep Of Kalessin
5. Aborym
6. Anaal Nathrakh
7. Drudkh
8. Ihsahn
9. Mayhem
10. Horna
What Lucifigum is their best? I recently had The Supreme Art of Genocide and sold it on Ebay, it was very one dimensional, all single string tremolos, wasn't bad though.
Emperor, Satyricon, Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Ulver, Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir, Nokturnal Mortum,Ihsahn, Mysticum, Obtained Enslavement, Marduk, plenty more but those are my favorites.
In no order

1. Emperor
2. Agalloch
3. Borknagar
4. Ulver
5. Arcturus
6. Anaal Nathrakh
7. Drudkh (good to see you picked this one Tyr!)
8. Vintersorg
9. Solefald (some might argue if this is even black metal related but I love it anyway lol)
10. Behemoth
What Lucifigum is their best? I recently had The Supreme Art of Genocide and sold it on Ebay, it was very one dimensional, all single string tremolos, wasn't bad though.
Emperor, Satyricon, Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Ulver, Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir, Nokturnal Mortum,Ihsahn, Mysticum, Obtained Enslavement, Marduk, plenty more but those are my favorites.

Yeah because that's the entire list of Black Metal bands you've heard full albums of.
I dunno if I have 10 to put on, because after maybe the first 5 it would depend so much on albums... but let's say, my 5 favorite black metal bands ever...

1. Dissection
2. Enslaved
3. Emperor
4. Samael pre-Exodus
5. Borknagar

Dissection probably could have been the best black metal band ever if their singer / songwriter didn't turn out to be an insane neo-Nazi, thus getting his dumb ass arrested and jailed for almost a decade (which in music years might have been 10 centuries). Ditto with Samael and the 90s cheesy techno trip Vorph went on that he never came back from...
Hmmm tough one, lets see (in no particular order):

1. Arcturus (!)
2. Enslaved
3. Finntroll
4. Transcending Bizarre?
5. Solefald
6. Bork (duh, why would I even be posting here? :p ).
7. Ulver
8. Emo Burger (hehe, DB).
9. Taake (!)
10. Naglfar

Agalloch, Menhir (and maybe Summoning) too, but IMO they count more as Folk than Black :kickass: .
1. Lucifugum (first 5 or so albums)
2. Drudkh
3. Negura Bunget (esp. 'N crugu bradului and OM)
4. Taake
5. Nokturnal Mortum
6. Hate Forest
7. Graveland
8. Emperor (Pre-Prometheus)
9. Horna (Pre-Sudentaival)
10. Furze
11.(old) Abigor
12. Kampfar

Like someone said, it's impossible to narrow it down to 10. I have to mention that Lucifugum has changed drastically over the last couple of years since their guitarist Bal-a-myth died and their tremendous vocalist Faunus left the band. I think that was in '99.
Now that I look over the list it may look like I'm NS but that's not the case. If I believed in everything I read or listened to I'd be a Skinhead-Satanist with Communist tendencies who is a vegan with a Scientology book tucked in my pleather belt.
Like someone said, it's impossible to narrow it down to 10. I have to mention that Lucifugum has changed drastically over the last couple of years since their guitarist Bal-a-myth died and their tremendous vocalist Faunus left the band. I think that was in '99.
Now that I look over the list it may look like I'm NS but that's not the case. If I believed in everything I read or listened to I'd be a Skinhead-Satanist with Communist tendencies who is a vegan with a Scientology book tucked in my pleather belt.

Ahehe yeah, I didn't mention the Dissection neo-Nazi bit cuz I think your music betrays your politics (although it can...). Just that it ended up destroying the band. =) All that Bad Religion on my playlist says a lot of about me, I gotta admit!
wow this is a tough one...
it's really hard to put them in the correct order so I'll just leave out the numbers

The Kovenant