Favourite hard rock/glam metal albums

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
What is everyone's 10 favourite glam metal/hard rock albums!

Mine are, in no particular order (except #1 haha) because it depends on what mood I'm in:

1. Everything by KISS! (I know its not an album, but if I didn't do this my list would only be Kiss probably)
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet
Bon Jovi - New Jersey
Poison - Flesh & Blood
Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction
Warrant - Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin Rich
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Skid Row - Slave To The Grind
Van Halen - Van Halen
Troops, my good man, you have EXCELLENT taste, i agree with all your picks :)
The first skid row album could be glam, dunno about slave to the grind though, it IS one of the greatest albums ever, but it aint glam, maybe ill class it as hard rock and let it slide, but I reckon its HEAVY metal :) What a great album, you know i own one of snakes' guitars too! I bought it from utopia, its sweet, its signed by rachel, bas and snake.

Ok, everyone who reads this thread, track down a copy of "rise" by a band called "hair of the dog". Its FANTASTIC, they cover a kiss song at the end too :)

You will thank me, honest, take every band in troops' list and put them together and you have hair of the dog :)
Cooooooool thread. :D

My faves would be . . .

Appetite For Destruction - GNR
Hollywood Vampires - LA Guns
Cocked and Loaded - LA Guns
Look What The Cat Dragged In - Poison
Slippery When Wet - Bon Jovi
A Bit Of What You Fancy - The Quireboys
Flesh and Blood - Poison
Backstreet Symphony - Thunder
Open Up and Say . . Ah! - Poison

God its been so long since I've looked at my LP's that I cant remember half the stuff I used to listen to . . . bummer :mad:
Glam is good stuff (when done well ;) )

My favorites are
WASP - The Last Command (who would have guessed :lol: )

Alice Cooper - Trash

Kiss - Creatures Of The Night

Poison - Crack A Smile (Best Poison album, yet harldy anyone has has heard it)

Dokken - Erase The Slate (fucking awesome CD. One of the top releases of 1999)

Guns 'N Roses - Appetite or Lies

Def Leppard - Hysteria

anything by Twisted fu(king Sister!

Glam metal is cool, because it's so light hearted. I find myself in hysteric's when people try and take it seriously.

:grin: :grin:
OK, I'm not going to specifically refer to these necessarily as glam or hard rock, just stuff I listened to as a youngster in the late 80s/early 90s:

GNR - Appetite for Destruction
Skid Row - Slave to the Grind
Poison - first three albums
Def Leppard - Hysteria
WASP - The Headless Children
Kiss - Crazy Nights
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet ("Never Say Goodbye" is one of the best damn songs of the 80s, if not ever)
Whitesnake - 1987

Hmm... this list is mighty similar to the stuff everyone else has listed. So much for originality :) I think I shall have to dig out Mark's LPs for a better idea of what I listened to back then! Poison was definitely my favourite band when I was a kid, however.
:) As I have been reliving my past sins .

Any Kiss or Twisted Sister
White Lion - Pride and Big Game
Skid Row first two Albums
Cinderellas- long cold winter
Poison look what the cat and open up.
Warrents first album
Dangerous Toys.
1. GnR - Appetite For Destruction
2. Skid Row - Slave To The Grind
3. Alice Cooper - Trash
4. GnR - Lies
5. Slash's Snakepit - Ain't Life Grand
6. GnR - Use Your Illusion 1
7. Skid Row - Skid Row
8. WASP - The Headless Children
9. WASP - The Crimson Idol
10. Slash's Snakepit - It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

Not a lot of variety there, but oh well..... :) It's the best I can do at the moment!
Too right, it's a fucking great album! I thought I'd check it out cos I liked the first one, and mate, it rocks!