Favourite Judas Priest period?


  • 90's Priest (THIS! IS! THE! PAIN-KILL-ER! and a bunch of gay shit I guess)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 00's Priest (not an option, here for sake of completeness only)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I've come to the conclusion that I basically only really like 70's priest. 80's Maiden > > > > > > > > > > > 80's Priest... Now call me a poser please

* fotmbm priest - tyrant
<egj> =)
<egj> jag har kommit fram till att jag egentligen bara gillar 70-talspriest
<egj> på 80-talet var det bara DUH DUH HEAVY och texter som går I'VE GOT A HOT ROCK MACHINE IN MY PANTS
<fotmbm> jag har inte forskat i saken men så är det ju, och painkiller
yea i'll agree with liking 70's Priest over the other decades hands down. but i still enjoy about 90% of the whole cataloge.
wheres the 70+80+90 period option? the only shitty record priest have ever done was the demolition record, even turbo and jugulator was great!

i cant vote for any of these options....
Ayeka said:
'74 - '90 is all good. Multi-option poll next time.


In fact, Painkiller may even be my favourite album, so this poll does not compute!!!

And yeah, I like Turbo...and yeah, I like their version of "Johnny be Good"!!! :tickled:
I'm tempted to go for the 80s option, although that implies I have less appreciation for Stained Class and Painkiller, not to mention all the other bits inbetween. This is not true, therefore CANNOT CHOOSE!

I can't wait to see 'em live :D I'm gonna say this in every thread I post in probably! :D :D can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP THE PRESS....what's this?......Erik is listening to Savatage.....Hall of the Mountain King......Criss Oliva!!!!!

That live version of "Strange Ways" on Ghost in the Machine by the way is just hair raising.

I jack the thread lolz.....Ayeka and PJ, ignore me, carry on with your man-boy sex.