Favourite metal guitarist.........

Originally posted by loWildChild

Heya. In Kil em All Mustaine and Hammet are the two guitars. Mustanine split with Metallica and created MegaDeth. In Ride the Lightnin' the singer is playing the guitar with Hammet. BTW Mustaine splits up before the publication of Kill em All...

So? What's your point? :confused:

I knew this the moment Dave left Metallica. Dave wrote those leads long before he left them. And the others used them on "Ride..."
lol. Anyway for me top guitarists would be.

1. Alexi Laiho (CoB, duh)
2. Anders Bjorler (Haunted/ATG)
3. Olaf Thorsen (Labyrinth, a good power metal band)
4. Peter Wichers (Soilwork)
5. Jesper Stromblad (In Flames/Dimension Zero)
Originally posted by loWildChild
kay hawk... but look ur post: [COB - Cowards Dead End] --------> ISNT COWARDS!!!! ITS TOWARDS!!!! :eek:

LOL your right!! I am a lazy bastard for not checking the cd titels before I rip them! :cry:

Now I am going to correct it. Thanks man :D
John Petrucci (Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment)
Michael Romeo (Symphony X)
Alexi Laiho (Children Of Bodom, Sinergy)
Randy Rhoads (Ozzy Osbourne)
Zakk Wylde (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Label Society, Pride & Glory)
Dimebag Darrell (Pantera)
Jeff Hanneman (Slayer)
Jani Liimatainen (Sonata Arctica, Anastatia (or something like that!) )
Originally posted by Hawk

Dude, I don't wanna spoil your party but the solo's you mention were written by Dave Mustain when he still played in Metallica.

Shure, the Kirk dude still had to learn them. But look how his playing got worse every album. Wha wha wha what can I say.

Sorry to let you know...
Cool, I knew that someone was going to say that. :)

Let´s see, the solos on Ride the Ligthing and Master of Puppets were written by Kirk, each solo of those albums. Mustaine hasn´t any credit of lead guitar in these two albums.

And about Kill´em All, well.... have you listened to "No Life ´Till Leather"?? You know, the Metallica´s demo. There you can hear the solos played by Mustaine, and as you can see, they aren´t exactly like Hammett plays them on Kill´em All. Hammett had the base, but the result is really much better than the Mustaine ones. And if you can´t get the No Life Till Leather demo, just check out the Megadeth song "The Mechanix" (that which is like "The Four Horsemen") and compare the solos. The Mustaine one hasn´t anything brilliant, and Hammett plays his like God.

What I´m agree with you is in nowdays "wha wha wha what can I say...." :lol:
there are many many good ones like Steve Vai, Timo Tolkki, Roope Latvala and even Ale Kuoppala.

But still my favorite for the best is definitely:
Alexi 'wildchild' Laiho
As far as best technicaly and original guitarists I'd have to say:

1. Yngwie Malmsteen (although he's a narcissistic weirdo)
2. Timo Tolkki
3. Satch and Vai - tie

I know there are probably more guitarists that I haven't heard of, but these are the only guys that have played stuff that I can't, haha.

I don't think they compare to the classical guitar patriarchs like Segovia, Noad, Shearer, and even Timothy Walker. Although Yngwie is close...
I'd have to say, by far Alexi Laiho. He has some good vocals but they're not the best. However; his talent with those riffs is almost godlike. He'd probably be the most talented if not the best guitarist I've witnessed. His shit is worthy of the demons' presence he conjures.
Originally posted by Hawk

LOL your right!! I am a lazy bastard for not checking the cd titels before I rip them! :cry:

Now I am going to correct it. Thanks man :D

LoL that's because he d/led an mp3 of it. Some dumbfuck put Coward's Dead End on a couple of ripped mp3s and now they populate about 50 percent of the mp3's under that title all over the net on file sharing networks. That's one of the downsides to file sharing. Whoever did that originally should just be taken out back and shot. :cool:
Originally posted by Storm

Whoever did that originally should just be taken out back and shot. :cool:

Isnt that how to fix every problem? :grin:

I also like Dave Murrary and Janick Gers (of Iron Maiden fame)