FavoUrite PIXAR movie

hint: the correct answer is Monsters Inc...

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I guess I should see Monsters, Inc., only one I haven't seen... I think I've seen the DVD layin' around the house, if so I'll watch it tonight, so I'd best be holding off on my vote. I really can't decide anyway, those are all really good, even the Incredibles which didn't seem like it would be so amazing at first. (CGI humans annoy me)
Gotta be Nemo. My 3 year old son loves that damn thing--seen it about a million times. I've been eyeing my one year old daughter, wondering if the tally will rise to 2 million by the time it's said and done.
Finding Nemo is great, but it is aimed at younger kids. My 4 year old loves it.

The Incredibles on the other hand is aimed at an older audience, and the whole retro James Bond feel to it is outstanding.

But Monsters Inc overall does a good job in bridging the age gap so it's got kiddy-like fun and adult-cleverness at the same time (if that makes sense). :loco:

Seriously people, if you haven't seen Monsters Inc, do so!
cool movies but anders would rather listen to fates warning like we're doing right now. he likes the alder-era stuff. i like the arch era.
as far as pixar goes- monsters inc for me
its the one I've seen most without being ill with boredom
maybe 20 times (not weirdo-a parent)

incredibles is very good also
actually I like them all too

out of particular style of animation I'd say the first shrek wins
(shrek 2 was an unholy abortion)