Favourite quote from Nevermore lyrics and/or fav. guitar solo? Any song, any album

Tee said:
hmm.... sort of. beautiful, and not getting old....er
but who knows what comes in the end....

Hahaha, you know what would be funny, but would kind of suck? - If one day you were hanging out with Jim and you took a polaroid of him and you were like "hey, Jim, look how this turned out", and he looked at it, let out a shriek, and then rotted right in front of you.

On second thought, that wouldn't be funny.

But it might be funny like 20 minutes later...
Pyrus said:
No, it'd be funny right away.

Well I just thought that since it would mean the ultimate and untimely demise of Nevermore (knock wood) it would have a waiting period on it...like aids. Aids wasn't funny 20 years ago, but now it's goddamn open season with the aids jokes...watch this...


hahahahaha, wasn't that funny? wait for it...wait for it...check your watch...okay...now it's funny!
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