Favourite Song Off 'Lionheart'

Love 'em all - but English Man o War first (I just love the guitar on that one!!), Witchfinder General, Man and Machine, Beyond The Grave - the only ones that have taken time to grow on me are Searching For Atlantis and Flying On The Edge, but I like those two now as well - not sure about all that shangrila business though! :lol: Great guitar though!
I'd say it's Justice, Witchfinder General, Beyond the Grave, Lionheart.
It has took same time for me to get into this album.
Mayby I'm getting old :)
Another thing about this album is the packaging. After the great packaging of The Saxon Chronicles, and also Killing Ground, and even Heavy Metal Thunder with the free CD. The Lionheart package is great, what with the digi pack and free patch. The whole thing looks good. It is nice to see Saxon and their record label not just putting out any old package, but giving us something good. Well done Saxon and SPV.
CybErzi - Don't worry, you ain't getting old! I reckon it's always a good sign when it takes awhile for an album to grown on you - they end up being the albums you forever play.
Paxo - have to agree on you about the quality of the packaging. Band's of the same popularity - if that's the right phrase - would have put out just the standard packaging. It's nice to see a nice artistic cover, as well - I've never gone for these album covers with photos of the artist on the front - kind of tacky!
My current favourites are WF General & LionHeart. I've liked English Man O' War from the start. Beyond the Grave has really grown on me and I seem to be one of the few that really dig Flying to the Edge.
I reckon that the song 'lionHeart' is going to stand the test of time and will be the song being played at gigs in 5 years time! It's the 'Crusader' of the album!
Nice one, Peter - 'Beyond' took awhile for me, but it has really grown on me and I can see it as the 'single' of the album. It has a more mainstream feel to it for the UK market.
Personally, I'm still in the 'Witchfinder' & 'LionHeart' camp for favourite tracks. But 'English Man 'O War' is only just behind - that song gets better and better!