favourite songs?

Looks like you got the same tastes as me, random dude :erk:

Satan Spawn, The Caco-Daemon
When Satan Rules His World
Serpants Of The Light
Bastard Of Christ
Well gee like this hasnt been asked before, well my favs may be different from most but these are the songs i liked from every album.
Actually........to be perfectly honest the first time i EVER heard these guys at all was when some radio station was doing a promo for Deicides When Satan Lives live album, the first song i heard was When Satan Rules his world, i thuoght based on what i heard that these guys were no bulshit talent. Back in 98 i was sort of changing over from Slayer to bands like morbid angel and Bolt thrower. I was loosing interest in metallica and pantera due to a lack of rage. I thuoght the Death metal genere was amazingly under estimated and that guys like Deicide should have made a (live shit binge and purge video) with the same kind of intensity and fuery but i think it would have been BETTER! Anyways my favourtie songs are "Repent to die, Blame it on god, Father baker,Deicide,Satan spawn the caco demon, mephistopheles,biblebasher,when satan rules his world,once upon the cross, kill the christian and finally the only song from the in torment in hell album i dig is vengence will be mine.
Bastards of Christ
In Hell I Burn
When Satan Rules His World
Bible Basher
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Sacrificial Suicide
Blame it on God
Satan Spawn/Caeco Demon
Sacrificial Suicide
Oblivious To Evil
Dead But Dreaming
In Hell I Burn
Kill The Christian
They Are the Children of the Underworld
Behind the Light
Bastard of Christ
The Truth Above
Once Upon the Cross
When Satan Rules His Worl
Lunatic Of Gods Creation
Satan Spawn
Serpents of the Light
They are the Children of the Underworld