Originally posted by markgugs
I'm most looking forward to the Wuthering Heights track on Disc I, and Katagory V track on Disc II cuz I haven't heard 'em yet (plus, this is a free plug to Dustin ).
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
A lot of the bands on the samplerreally surprised me! I of course liked the Symphony X, Blind Guardian, and Threshold songs.. other than them, I totally grooved out on the entire project!! I like it more every time I play it! Here are the notable ones in my book...
Disc I:
Dimension - Forbidden Game
Theocracy - The Serpent's Kiss (can't go wrong with a 12:00 song!)
Redemption - Desperation, Part 3
All Too Human - E-Killer (!!Rÿche!!)
Wuthering Heights - The Nevershining Stones
Disc II:
Nemesis - Predestination
Archetype - Dawning
Katagory V - Dark Night
Fahrenheit - Darkstorm
Outworld - Dominion
Wow, that was harder than I thought, even just to narrow it down by that much :-\
Originally posted by zinescene
I'll throw in another free plug
I heard their pre-production cd of the new material from Katagory V and it's going to be killer once they get the mix done. The new songs sound a lot better and I liked the first CD.
Originally posted by Dustin
So... seeing a few of you single it out as one of your faves really makes our day! Thank you so much!!!
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
I'm glad you guys decided to place the song on the disc! I can't wait to hear the final version :] Any chance of you guys maybe playing PP4??