Favourite transient designer plugs?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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I've been playing around a bit with DFP Dominion and a couple of the transient designers that come bundled with Reaper and have been getting some cool results! What are your favourite plugins for this and how extreme are your settings normally when using them? I found that even increasing the attack slider up full tilt didn't take my snare sound for example into a completely unusable range, so I'm just wondering how heavily you guys abuse this stuff?
^^^ sometimes it can't be avoided. Like when you are too confident that you can fix a really resonant snare only to find out later that it's beyond anything other than a transient designer killing off the ring.

Not saying it like I'm having to do it right now or anything... :\

^^^ sometimes it can't be avoided. Like when you are too confident that you can fix a really resonant snare only to find out later that it's beyond anything other than a transient designer killing off the ring.

Not saying it like I'm having to do it right now or anything... :


Hahaha, yeah Marlon told me about that... The stuff I heard wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be though man! Absolute WORST case scenario you could probably replace the bad snares with the better ones from other parts of the songs? It seems like it only rings out during the "slow" parts... Most of the Abhorrent stuff is blast blast blast anyways so there aren't THAT many snares to replace...
Where are you located man?

Most of the Abhorrent stuff is blast blast blast anyways so there aren't THAT many snares to replace...

Haha, this is true. Well, I've got a compressor on the OH's with the snare as the key, so it's ducking there. I have the toms gated to shit and since the heads are worn out anyway I've decided to just replace them, so no bleed there, the hats and ride have a comp on them too with the snare being ducked. So really it's coming down to just the snare mic and as you said, most of the time it's blasts, but occasionally he does single hits so what I've already done is duplicate the snare track, gated it to where only the hard full hits come through and then put apTrigga on that with a good sample that I have, so the attack is coming back but the ring is still present and really annoying. So...what I'm going to do next is just get about 6 or 7 samples of good hits and replace them manually in the main/original snare track. Having a gate on the snare has helped with the ring's sustain, but I can't clamp down too hard because of the lighter hits on the blasts.

Fucking tech-death man...lol. Anyway, the drums are shaping up with just the gating, sidechained comps and using some samples so I'm sure by the time I'm done with all of the tweaking and editing it will be fine. But I will definitely be spending more time on the pre-production from now on as well as investing in a transient designer plug.

I'm in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, but I know Marlon from another online forum that I moderate over at SMNnews.com.

Good to hear you're getting it sorted man! Sounds like a bitch. Did you ever figure out WHY that ping was in there? It sounds like Lyle was hitting rimshots on those big snare hits or something but I've been told that he wasn't :\... Really though, I've heard tons of commercially released death metal albums that sounded fuckloads worse in the drum department than the sample Marlon showed me man, so by tech death standards it is already turning out way better than any fan of the genre would expect! :lol:
Wow, I really appreciate those kind words about my work. Seriously. And actually, he was hitting rimshots. Because I have jammed on his set, it has been at my house for like two weeks now (I can't just let a good drumset sit there without getting played, can I? :D ) and I can hit it as hard as possible in the center - no ping. Closer to the rim - ping city. Plus, I was taking video of Lyle playing one of the songs, and you can plainly see in the video that he is hitting dead center during blasts, but off to the side for full hits.

Ah yeah, Marlon is a big SMN forumite. He was actually browsing around on it while we were messing with some of the drums.

Yeah bit it's only in the full Cubase 4, Studio doesn't have it :(

I need a transient designer plug, I'm going to try out BitterSweetII. I may end up just buying the hardware unit from SPL ($600-something) so that I can have it either on the way in or use it later with a send.

The only one I've used is Sonnox TransMod, but it works pretty well. I use it on drums when the transients get a little lost in the master compression.