Now they just need to add Christian and Ray to the current lineup and rock 2 guitar players and 2 drummers :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:

I hope not, 2 guitarist playing those kinda riffs would have to be mega tight, and two drummers would just be silly! :loco:


Check that out....Its a sampler for Arkaea. That's the band that has Raymond and Christian. To be honest it kinda sucks :(

Lol, I always thought Burton and Dino were the ones who wrote the best stuff for FF, so it doesn't surprise me that Ray and Chris' side project isn't anything special. Also like I've stated before, without flaming the guy, I've just always disliked Christians attitude, and that's only become more prominent since he started playing guitar in FF and getting more in the limelight. Again I'm really looking forward to this, I've always loved Dino as a guitar player, and I was really bummed when FF reformed without him, because that was the lineup I grew up listening to.
Strapping young Factory

Factory Lad :lol:

Fear of Strapping

Fear Young Factory Lad :lol:

Fear Strapping :lol:

Arrrrrgh! Somebody stop me!!!!!

So what's going to happen the Herrera and Wolber's Fear Factory then?

There'll probably end up being 2 line-ups floating around doing consecutive tours where hundreds of fans will end up buying the tickets for the line-up they DIDN'T want to see amidst a behind the scenes legal battle which will end up with one of them having to rename themselve's slightly e.g. "Burton C Bell's Fear Factory" or Fear Factory "Featuring Burton C Bell" Hahahaha! :lol:

Kind of like "Bernie Marsden's Whitesnake" or "Oliver/Dawson Saxon" :lol:

(I dunno why I find this kinda stuff funny, I guess it's because the music business can be very amusing at times)
Demanufacture was the epitome of FF. It still sounds up to date and fresh in 2009. In fact I go as far as to say it's even futuristic now!

Once Dino was out, it all went downhill.

Feary Factory at the Astoria London in 1995 was my first non-stadium size gig and I still to this day find it hard to beat.
Aye, demanufacture was a statement, a epic album that paved the way for many bands to come.. i remember buying it back in the day, just because the cover of the album looked cool i decided to listen to it in the record shop,they popped it in and from the first song i was sold.. epic.
Ah don't get me started on my demanufacture nostalgia. "Dude, these guys sound like a fucking machine!!" Obsolete totally opened up a whole new world for me, too.
i didn't even think FF had split up????? Up until fairly recently they were talking about recording a new album.
Met them a few years ago, great bunch of guys - I just really don't like to compare Demanufacture or Obsolete to Transgression, so I'm hoping the new stuff will be more like the old stuff - but without the shite drum sound Divine Heresy have on their LP. Having Gene on drums will be much better too as he can actually do fills, something Raymond does not do a lot of.
Met them a few years ago, great bunch of guys - I just really don't like to compare Demanufacture or Obsolete to Transgression, so I'm hoping the new stuff will be more like the old stuff - but without the shite drum sound Divine Heresy have on their LP. Having Gene on drums will be much better too as he can actually do fills, something Raymond does not do a lot of.

+1 I noticed this, lots of work on the toms has never been his strong point, his feet have always been Raymonds strong point, where as Gene is a more varied drummer.

when bruce willis was dead at the end of sixth sense I... hahahahaha priceless!

Now guys, why all this Christian Bashing? Personally I'm not a fan of Herrera, I think it's more "super uber deadly" kick sound (which I think sucks ass btw, never been a fan of higher-freq-than-thou triggered kicks) than actual talent (not that hes a bad drummer, just not as good as many people claim he is IMO), Gene hoglan on the other hand is god with drumsticks.

About christian, yes I agree Byron is a MUCH better bass player than him, but I'll say this: Archetype to me is the best sounding FF album, the guitar and bass tones are absolutely KILLER, and the playing on both is pretty damn tight also, and BOTH were done by Wolbers.

Still, great lineup, hope some great music comes out of this fear young factory union

oh for the record, Burton is one of the shittiest metal singers I have ever seen (live-wise), am I the only one who thinks this? I love the guy and all, but come on, check any youtube video of the later years and tell me, his dirty vocals aren't at all "dirty", more like a dude screaming at his sister for checking her underwear drawer and finding a condom, and his clean singing.... oh dear god..... :puke: