Fear My Thoughts - The Great Collapse

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Fear My Thoughts – The Great Collapse
Lifeforce Records – 2004
By Adam McAuley


What a great surprise this album was for me! I’m not huge on metalcore, but Fear My Thoughts take what I like about a band like God Forbid and inject their own personality into the mix, to craft an album that is undeniably worthwhile. When I first heard The Great Collapse visions of old-school death metal à la early Entombed popped immediately into my mind. But as the album progressed I realized FMT were simply a great metalcore outfit, willing to incorporate some additional elements into their music to make it more interesting than what you’d usually expect from the genre.

A great number of time changes, keen sense of melody, some excellent breakdowns and interludes, and a surge of vitality are some of the reasons that you should listen to Fear My Thoughts. And the Slayer influence that you find in most metalcore is actually used effectively, as these guys bring some massive chops to the table when they need to. Swirling displays of melodic or abrasive guitars lead to scorching chorus’ that erupt from the chaos, and are actually really exciting, much like what you’d expect from God Forbid. To be honest, I was actually compelled by this entire disc, but maybe “Rituals” stands out from the pack as it displays all of the elements that make Fear My Thoughts so great, in about 5 minutes time. And just when you least expect it, appropriate piano comes in and closes The Great Collapse off in style.

You’re left in awe by your experience and ready to embark on it again. While probably not the greatest album you’ll ever hear, The Great Collapse comes quite recommended.


Official Lifeforce Records website
Official Fear My Thoughts website