fear not

The God of Hellfire

thrashmaster 9000 pro
Oct 31, 2004
the woods
i'm here to calm all your worst fears. joey belladonna's testicals have finally dropped. :OMG: He now sings like a cross between frank sinatra, james hetfield and phil anselmo. I don't really know what that means but what I can tell you is that it kicks ass. :rock: and this is why the band wants him back.
The God of Hellfire said:
i'm here to calm all your worst fears. joey belladonna's testicals have finally dropped. :OMG: He now sings like a cross between frank sinatra, james hetfield and phil anselmo. I don't really know what that means but what I can tell you is that it kicks ass. :rock: and this is why the band wants him back.

so joey finally went through puberty , better late than never i say :rock:
He may have gone through puberty but he still has the same haircut as in 1987!

But if he´s got a bit of Phil, Sinatra and Hetfield in him... to me that sounds like mr. John Bush! :)