Fear the Return


Waffle Wizard
Aug 20, 2003
Beyond stupidity
30/10 is dawning, I guess I'm the only one going to see Dissection on that day after all? No company by my favourite Swede after all :(

Really looking forward to it, although the first 53 seconds of Maha Kali sounds more like Immortal, which is kinda gay and frostbitten.

But it should rock anyways!
i think stratoxdeath is going to that, either that one or the one in finland or sweden.
You'll have a great time without me Im sure. I can just imagine the feeling I'd get when at the fathomless depths would begin to play (if they start that of as an intro that is :p (they should, cause it kick ass)) Jeeeebus, I get goosebumps just thinking about it :( F U C K calculators.

And Maha Kali sounds... like I dont know! I just dont get the .. dissection feeling :p But whatever, 53 seconds is nothing to judge by either.