
Oct 8, 2005
Especially today, it seems there is an emphasis on fear. Maybe all of our actions from everyday life, all of our thoughts, all of our emotions, can be traced back to one single feeling; a sense of dread, of emptiness, of fear, of loneliness. After all, we were born into something which we have no control over, something that is WAY larger than us. Maybe the reason why people look for soulmates is because they do not want to be alone, because of some sort of fear. The music we listen to is an extension of who we are, a way to express ourselves. The art we see, the books we read. The music we make, the art we make, the letters we write, are all a way of expressing ourselves. But why express ourselves? Maybe for self-awareness. Why do we want to be aware of what we already know, that being that we exist? Maybe it is like grasping on to something that we 'think' we have control over, the only thing we have control over, that being our 'self.' All of our actions are in one way or another a way to ensure that we have some sort of control in this world that we actually have no control over.
But even our bodies are something we can not control. We all eventually hunger, we thirst, we age. Just look at all the anti-aging products that are being advertised, to capitalize on this fear that so many have of aging. Insecurity is another form of putting it. Insecure without one's father? Without one's mother? Maybe something so small as a security blanket? Fear goes by many names and phrases; the need to belong, fitting in, being the outcast, comfort and discomfort, the unknown, the dark, satan. It seems as if everything can be traced back to fear. Even the reason I philosophize. Why do I feel the need to know so much. Could it be because I feel (and know I am) so small and insignificant in this empty universe, and am looking for something to distract myself from this feeling, or maybe to get rid of the feeling.

I don't know. It is something I'll have to think more about. The next time you have free time to think, think about your actions and ask yourself 'why am I doing this?' Think all the way back to the root of the action. Why do I listen to heavy metal? Why do I drink? Why do I like to walk? Wear headphones? Watch movies? Think?
Fear is a product of the mind. There is a saying "there is nothing to fear but fear itself". If you are rational and mature you can try to find ways to minimise feelings of fear. Children and the mentally ill find this a lot harder if not impossible. Even the person who can most well manage their emotions can be plunged into an inability to curtail terror if they are unfortunate enough to have their brain injured, drugged or affected by some kinds of diseases. The fear of ending up in this helpless state is the ultimate fear of fear.

The Buddha said to learn how to live a life fully at the present moment is the best way to keep fear under practical control.

In other words, instead of imagining all sorts of scary thoughts, past or future, you try to deal with the problem as and when it arises and only to the extent that you recognise to be the best that you can do. You have to know your limitations and be cool about that.
Great answer.
I believe fear is a product of the mind and its a way of defending itself.If fear didnt exist people would make fools out of themselves or even worse get killed but because fear exists it is another defence mechanism the body has to help us with life.
Mitton said:
Great answer.
I believe fear is a product of the mind and its a way of defending itself.If fear didnt exist people would make fools out of themselves or even worse get killed but because fear exists it is another defence mechanism the body has to help us with life.

Yes, this goes to show there is negative fear and there is positive fear - some fear is good for our protection. You made a valuable point.
Fear is another defense mechanism of any organism. We decide not to do something, out of the assumption that our well being is endangered. This assumption is fear.
And Norsemaiden, the quote you mentioned, "The only hing we have to fear is fear itself." I believe that was Franklin D. Roosevelt who said it. One of my most respected presidents.
Roosevelt approved the occult symbolism on the dollar bill though. Do you approve of that then? (Also if you agree that Pearl Harbour was not really a surprise attack, you must accept Roosevelts contempt for the American people surely?).
When I said that, I didn't mean that I approved everything he did. I personally could care less about an occult symbol on a dollar bill. And I respected the way he managed to successfully get a huge nation such as the United States out of such a huge economic depression and get it suited up and ready for war, so quickly. The way he spoke to the American people on his radio show, as individual people, not as a crowd. And also the fact that he managed to do so much without the use of his legs! Thats what I respect him for. Also, to me, it seems like there's not much to respect most past U.S. Presidents for. But we difress from the topic.
fear is at the root of every sin. It's what religion and politics use to control the masses
Fear allied to greed is the essential condition of modernity.

Basically, it's what happens when you let Jews and surrogate Jews run things - the triumph of the weak.