Feared Mixing Competition 2013

Nice song, and very nice to mix. Thanks for those tracks!

I listened the entries so far, some very nice ones. Gonna listen better to them a bit later, but wasn't too patient so I tried to see what I can do first. ;)

My mix so far:

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JohnGalloway, your mix is very massive! That rules! Try to make vox a bit quiter. It's brootal but too loud comparing to the rest of the mix. :)
Especially liked the kick. What did you use for it?

Thank you! :kickass:
I believe I used CJ's "Panzer Kick" with a Cradle of Filth kick I got from this really big pack of drum samples that got shared on here. :D
Here is my first mix on it, feedback plz! If its the worst shit ever then let me know! If its awesome, great!

Edit : listening to everyone else's mix's, I guess volume needs to go up on my mix.
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Heres my contribution. Just stuck to what i know. Would be interesting to hear some re-mixes.

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Why the hell would anyone want to reamp those guitars?!

The tone does sound great but there are a few reasons why one might want to reamp. First of all there is no such thing as universal consensus if one tone is better then the other. Its a matter of opinion. You like it, I like it, a lot of us do. Does that mean its the best tone and should not be changed? no

Reason why I reamped in my mix is because wheres the fun and challenge (and difference) from Ola's mix if everyone just decided to keep the same tone. Also I felt a more focused tone worked better with the song then the Satan amped.
Here's my submissin guys. Let me know what you think!

JMC Recordings

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Holy shit. Who tracked this? These raw tracks are insane!
A little mix for now;
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