Feared (Changes) 5150 50watt/ mesa recto 2x12 reamp


Processed Chicken
Apr 6, 2009
Clearwater, fl
Reamp and mixing some feared songs to test out my 5150 50watt. Did not reamp the leads.

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Dig it, sounds good.
Any info on mic, processing and especially: how loud did you run the amp? Cause my 5150III 50 wonders me every time how good it sounds even at low volume.
sm57, cone meets dustcap, 1in from grill cloth.

no boost
Gain 5
low 5
mid 6
high 6
vol 4.5
pres 5
res 5

This amp sounds great at low levels, but 4.5 volume seems to be the sweet spot, if I go over 5 its starts to fall apart, same with the gain over 6... for me anyway.

Post was just VCC,VTM HP@38, LP@8722