Feared Mixing Competition 2013

hello guys! i want you to help me witch mix sounds better.. first or seccond?



** this is not my attempt for the competition just i want your opinion to continue with vocals lead guitar etc :)

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Wow, amazing mix !! :OMG::OMG::OMG:
Sounds very airy, clear and punchy at the same time.
Care to explain a bit what you did ?

Wow, thanks man. I'm touched!

Well, it's a modded 5150 green channel (bias mode, so I can tune it to my liking depending on the poweramp tubes), re-wired Mesa Cab with AKG C414 and Shure SM57 in front of it. Oh yes, I used a modded :)lol:) Maxon OD-9 as a screamer. It has a different Op-amp in it. All these mods are not the game changers separately, but together they make things so much easier to work with.
Snare is 50 percent live, blended with my custom samples - some for smash, some for punch.
Toms are live. I must say that both toms and snare were performed and mic'd up really well! It was easy to make them cut through.
Kick is re-sampled.

Nothing too crazy with the mix itself. Some SSL Comp on a masterbus, Gclip for "mastering". I use lots of parallel compression, but I do it gently. Also, Slate VTM and VCC occasionally.
Working fucking hard on mine atm. Also yeah, why would anyone want to reamp over those sick ass SATAN tones.:headbang:
Edit: And yeah there's some weird shit going on with the Bass DI. There's a lot of little pops that are 0db fs. Almost like two wordclocks that aren't aligned noise or hard digital cipping. Maybe he just pushed his pickups that hard or the strings hit them or something, idk.