February Tour With the Devin Townsend Band

MasterOLightning said:
I saw him with Symphony X, which seemed to be an awful fit. I really did not enjoy his music at all. Oh well. Porcupine Tree is the only decent band I've seen open for Opeth.

but what about devildriver?
Someone just clarify this for me please. Devin Townsend is a person, and he does vocals and lead guitar in both DTB and SYL correct? And are these two bands like supergroup type deals, like bloodbath? And which band is Devin currently working with? Tanks.
Devin Townsend has recorded a bunch of "solo" albums. They are his projects and he writes most if not all of the music on them. Then he just surrounds himself with a few musicians to record that. The first project was called Oceanmachine, after that he just used his own name, and since the last album he renamed it to "The Devin Townsend Band", I think because they were actually going to tour now. But they are all essentially his solo work.

Strapping Young Lad started out more a as "joke" band which he used as an outlet to create completely pissed off and immature music (the debut album). After that he decided to make another record (City) which was still pissed off but less gimmicky. That was supposed to be the last SYL album ever but after that he again decided that they wanted to do more with the band and it has since turned into a proper band that actually tours and writes albums as a band. The SYL lineup also consists of musicians that have previously worked on some of Devin's solo stuff.

Neither of them are supergroups or sideprojects really. They're both just his bands.
Well, the musicians from SYL was eventually drafted into the Devin Townsend band for the Physicist album, but in the end, DT just said screw it, started up SYL again, and kept the more atmospheric and clean tone of DTB, and kept the two projects seperate.

I still want Gene on drums for Earth Day. But I know it'd never happen.
This would be so wonderful. Hevy Devy is so amazing; its about time he brings his other band back out to the masses. And what better way to celebrate a strong new album than touring with some of your old friends, who are currently on top of the metal world? I truly hope this happens.
MasterOLightning said:
I saw him with Symphony X, which seemed to be an awful fit. I really did not enjoy his music at all. Oh well. Porcupine Tree is the only decent band I've seen open for Opeth.

I don't think Devin picked a good setlist for opening for a shred fest band like SymX. A few too many slower songs off AE at the start of the set.

As for Gene playing on Earth Day, he drummer for DTB is actually pretty sweet, and had to really hold back for the style of AE. So I think he can handle Earth Day just fine.
In fact, he did handle it just fine when they opened for SymX.
ive been a devy fan for a long long time. he is a solo artist who has released numerous albums and each sound different from each other. he writes everything you hear on the albums by himself, save the main drum beat in kingdom from physicist which gene came up with. and, on the last one AE, he got input from other members, i believe.

syl is the metal 'side' of devin. he wrote all the shit on haarht and city and just hired gene and the others to play the instruments.

the new record will be released early '06.

a tour with opeth would be cool but id leave after dtb.
I will jizz if I see Opeth with DTB. I love SYL (Devin is a funny fucker as well) so maybe they can do standup comedy together between songs? heh, either way, I'm going if they come back to Philly (or maybe even come to Jersey)