Feedback on a mix if you please!

To start off with the good... I like your ideas and some of the playing. Your playing seems very tight (from what I can tell in the recording). The only thing i'm not liking is that the guitar(s) sound very muddy and the drums sound very "glassy". Otherwise, Sounds decent! Comparable to other 1st timer recordings, this sounds good for an amateur demo. Keep up the good work! :headbang:
ubersyntax said:
To start off with the good... I like your ideas and some of the playing. Your playing seems very tight (from what I can tell in the recording). The only thing i'm not liking is that the guitar(s) sound very muddy and the drums sound very "glassy". Otherwise, Sounds decent! Comparable to other 1st timer recordings, this sounds good for an amateur demo. Keep up the good work! :headbang:

Thanks for the feedback. I hooked up another mix, EQed the guitars and bass a little as well as the overheads. I think it sounds better.
Hey Cosbass, welcome man! you will love it here if you are into trips and tricks from people who know what they are talking about.. (not me though ;) )

anyway, the idea is really cool, i can't your song sounds lik this or that, and that's pretty good.. nice riffs and very heavy bass! i like that bass a lot!! reminds of the bass that korn uses.. and i love that sound!

Compliments all over Cos... i would like to know what you used for all this? guitars? drums? bass?

Thanks for sharing!
Black neon bob said:
Hey Cosbass, welcome man! you will love it here if you are into trips and tricks from people who know what they are talking about.. (not me though ;) )

anyway, the idea is really cool, i can't your song sounds lik this or that, and that's pretty good.. nice riffs and very heavy bass! i like that bass a lot!! reminds of the bass that korn uses.. and i love that sound!

Compliments all over Cos... i would like to know what you used for all this? guitars? drums? bass?

Thanks for sharing!

I'm glad you dig it!

As far as equipment goes heres the list

Guitar - Les Paul Studio ran through a ART StudioV3 preamp and then a Johnson J-station
Bass - G&L 1505 ran through the ART preamp and then the J-Station
Drums - Multi Mic kit that comes with battery 2
DAW - Cakewalk Sonar 4
Soundcard - Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1

I should mention we tune to B standard.
CosBass said:
Thanks for the feedback. I hooked up another mix, EQed the guitars and bass a little as well as the overheads. I think it sounds better.

Hey man! That sounds great! Sounds a LOT better. Perhaps i'm just on better speakers now that i'm at home. I dunno. I agree with Black Neon Bob, it does have a KORN vibe to it. I like the tone, Ideas, etc. Definately a great job. Keep it up. Keep posting mp3's. Welcome to the forum! I'm new myself.