feedback on my friends band. this is my favorite mix of mine so far.

also. the noise at the beginning was a violin bow on the edge of a cymbal with an effect put on it.
Sounds like some issues with bass vs kick need to be sorted out - and deal with that clipping.

I would personally have a bit more cymbals in the mix, but not sure that would really fit the style.

Really really nice bass tone!
I think the guitars and the vocals work really well for this style - don't think the guitars are thin at all.

Will check this out later on better speakers...
bow on a cymbal?? holy shit, next time will it be on the teeth of the singer? :)
sounds really powerful on my monitors, maybe a bit too much low end on the kick and toms...
You've been a bit over zealous with the guitar editing, it doesn't sound tight in a pleasant way - just overly robotic.

I agree with the bass/kick relationship being a bit skewed and that the guitars could use a touch more low mid- good mix though!
xTomx's comment about the guitars sounding too robotic was also my very first reaction, but I put it down to style - I'm an old fart who likes string noise and mistakes... :)

Getting that bass/kick thing sorted out will probably open up a lot of possibilities - but definitely not a bad mix at all!!!
Where does the robotic editing shine through the most? And honestly I'm not asking you guys to do my work for me but how should I approach the kick/bass relationship issue? I'm new at this haha.
Kick vs bass: you want to make some narrow eq cuts in the 50 to 80 hz range so the two instruments sort of make room for each other down there. This can be a really hard range to work with if your monitoring setup is less than optimal.

There might also be some potential for cleaning up in the lower mids...