Feeling pathetic , dissapointed and egocentric (Ozzy related)


Feb 12, 2002
Hail all

I just feel the need to write something about the last days in the life of Evergrey.

Monday morning we got the long awaited phonecall from our manager Edward who for the 2 last months have tried to land us a opening act slot for one of the worlds most known artists.
The tour would only consist of 5 dates in Scandinavia with one gig every other day in arenas that takes in between 13000 -16000 spectators.
The opening act slot was offered to us and three other bands in Scandinavia and we were of course sure of not getting it, seeing that the other bands were more mainstream than us, but it would all be up to the management of the headliner.
So Monday morning all of us in the band except Michael were sitting in our studio having coffe while talking about different song structures for the upcoming album when the phone rang , I saw in the display that it was Edward , I picked up and just awaited the bad news but as soon as he opened his mouth I heard that he was all excited -WE GOT IT - he said and I screamed the same on the top of my lungs to my fellow band mates and everything was like hitting the jackpot on the lottery.
We walked around in bliss for the rest of the day and called our endorsers and sponsors making them give us more stuff since we were now doing this high profile tour, everyone all of a sudden treated us with the biggest respect and I think we could have gotten everything we wanted at that point , at least it felt like it : ) .
We planned the crew the bus and a film crew to film one of the shows in The Globe Arena in Stockholm ( about 16000 seats ) for an upcoming DVD.
The cool thing about this thing was that we were the ONLY band to open, Special Guests !
So that night I went to bed and the last thing I thought of was of course the tour and what it would surely have meant to us , the first thing I thought of when I woke up the next morning was of course the same thing.
So I went to pics up Henrik in the morning to go to the studio and I have never ever seen him so awake at that time in the morning , he sat down and we immediately started to talk about the tour and that we could not believe it and that it felt to good to be true , in the same breath the phone rang and it was Michael, he only said - This will ruin your day , there has been an accident and the tour is cancelled !
I could not believe what I just heard so I called someone to check the news and of course it was all true ....
It felt like , have you ever have dreamed that you won a million dollars just to wake up and find out its not there but still having the feeling of being filthy rich.
So of course this sounds like a hell of a lot of complaining and people might think -be glad for what you have and so on .. and I am ..and I am not looking for pity , merely writing what I had to get out , life goes on

So to Ozzy and the Osbourne Family .
Hope that you will recover soon.

all the best
Tom / Evergrey
yeah it gotta suck..
i am pretty dissapointed myself, not that i had any tickets or anything but i was very happy that my fave band got the attention they deserve.. it just gotta suck big time being in your situation man.. but let's hope that you can be the opening act next time ozzy visits! dont forget that th dude has cancelled 3 times now.. i gave up after 2 of them..
i didnt pass the test to get the drivers license today and im very dissapointed on myself..
cant imagine being in your situation!
just like you said, thinking you've just won the million lottery and later find out it was hokes!!
That bites, especially since I've seen the band nab a lot of new fans just playing live, but as others have said, there *will* be other opportunities... the fact that they accepted you guys in the first place says a lot, even if the tour fell through.

In the meantime, you can always come back to the East Coast. :D
Oh yeah - if it makes you feel any better, I saw two Evergrey shirts at the Symphony X show last Thursday at a very tiny bar with maybe 200 people...
I'm very sorry to hear these news. I don't/didn't have any ticket to the show, but I seriously considered getting one when I heard Evergrey was going to support.:)

One thing though: Won't Ozzy come back at a later date (as he has been trying several times now...)? Won't you get to play then instead? It would seem quite logical.
Brunnis said:
I'm very sorry to hear these news. I don't/didn't have any ticket to the show, but I seriously considered getting one when I heard Evergrey was going to support.:)

One thing though: Won't Ozzy come back at a later date (as he has been trying several times now...)? Won't you get to play then instead? It would seem quite logical.

Well HIM already gave up on the support spot the last time...when Ozzy gets his shit together their schedules might not work out anymore. Hopefully they will though.
After watching The Osbournes for 15 minutes yesterday,I'm starting to think that Ozzy was trying to kill himself,but didn't quite manage to make it happen.

Also I'm sorry for Evergrey losing the support spot,I could have considered going to that gig then too if I'd miraculously found some cash. Hope you guys are getting over it.
This actually is a blessing in disguise Tom. After what Sharon Osbourne wrote in her book, she's going to get a lot of negative backlash. January is when the book is coming out. You're better off. Evergrey doesn't need to be surrounded with bad publicity.
Yeah that sucks tom, But atleast you still got your fans. And this fan can't wait til you guys re-release the first 2 albums with bonus tracks! Don't worry about the whole Ozzy thing falling apart, You guys got on Mtv (headbangers ball) which is Quite a big step in my book. So Tom, Don't worry, wait for the next ride, and keep it Grey!
Don't worry Tom- we still love Evergrey and you're always welcome in the States. :kickass:

P. S. Ozzy's a sell out anyway!!!!!

Grey today- grey tomorrow- grey forever!