Fellow smokers, a question for you.

yeah that does make alot of sense dude, i mean coffee and smoking was as good as it got for me, loved the two, but buying a good, coffee machine or something would be a great idea, my best friend has an amazing machine have to get one similar
Yeah, find a new ritual. I've been detoxing over the past 4 days myself, and to stop myself from craving a pipe, I've been making cups of tea every half hour.
go head on into cold turkey. I believe it's the best way to do it, because unlike the other methods, you'll be a stronger willed person for it all once you really kick it.

Cold turkey has been the only way I've been able to quit. The problem is I've already quit three times using the cold turkey method. The last time I actually went to the store, got a pack, opened it and threw the whole pack in the trash. I said to myself "I quit, period!" I mentally got myself prepared by going to the store and buying them knowing I was going to throw them out. :D

It worked for about 3 1/2 - 4 years and then I started again. :Spin:

Now I need to quit again but it's way harder this time for some reason.
I quit one and a half year ago after more than fifteen years of heavy smoking, cold turkey (well not exactly, I red Allen Carr's book) and not a single fuck was given ever since.
Yeah, I'm too poor to smoke that hard. Besides, I'd like an Ibanez Destroyer instead of a pack these days. Course, I got the will power.
I've heard alot about that allen carr book, my mom and sister both used it to quit but im just going cold turkey atm, dont feel too bad for being a few hours in to day three, :) think the only thing i havent done yet, is go on the booze as i love a beer and a smoke, we'll see what happens when i do,
Way to go nial. It's been a week and a half since my last smoke. I was a smoker for about 6 years or something, I noticed everyday how it made me feel weak (long walks / quick sprints anyone?). I was the typical habit guy, coffee and smoke always and a smoke after each meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner and some in between the day. One day I was feeling so weird physically I just took my almost full pack and gave it to a homeless guy and decided that was it.

Now I do what Gareth does, cup of tea every half hour, I love tea so I've LOADS of different ones, different spices, etc, so I'm always mixing it up and it does help, I very rarely think about having a smoke.

The first 4/5 days are the hardest, after that it's piss easy
Also buy shitloads of root ginger, peel it and chop it up and throw it in a teapot + hot water and a bit of honey and drink that all the time. You'll be so relaxed and calm and still and happy that you won't care about smoking in the slightest.
yeah i have constantly found myself trying to do something or always having something in my hand since i quit, always have a cup of tea or coffee, can of pepsi, mars bar, :lol: the usual,

but im doin alrite, root ginger hot beverage sounds great gareth, need a bit of calming at the moment its been a rough few days witha afew harder ones ahead
S'just pure herbal tea mate
Other good stuff is cardamom pods, mint leaves, berries, fruit.. Just whatever you feel like in some hot water \o/
it depends man, if its clove cigarettes with tobacco then yeah ive enjoyed them in the past but if its the honeyrose herbal clove cigarettes, then i wouldnt touch them, all of that honey rose shit is awful i really think it stinks, ive had about 18 in box in my room for a year and never touched them after the first two, even the last few days when i would have loved a smoke, i looked at them and thought, nooooo, then i threw them in the bin,

to sum up, honeyrose herbal clove cigs = :Puke:
About 50/50 Id say. You cant really "feel" breathing in the vapor at, it will feel like smoking an ultra light cig at first

Mine hits harder than a Camel Wide, and I instantly never wanted another cig. That's been almost two years ago. It's funny, smokers try mine and hit it too hard and choke the first time. I used to have one of the puny one's though, and it really was worthless.

To the OP, good luck on your journey!
Just a quick update to make myself feel great, ive been off cigs for a month now :) cheers for the words from some of the guys on here that helped me begin quitting

Good job :)

Most probably the biochemical addiction is no longer active.

Now it will only take some strength of will to not to start ever again.