Festivals in Japan

Asylum Dancer

empty soul
Jun 13, 2002
where the sun rises
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:)Hi there, all music lovers around the world!:)

I'm just curious.

There are so many good festivals held in Europe and more and more Japanese are visiting there these days.

But then, how many people from outside of Japan want to come to see festivals which are held in here??? Are there any who actulally came here just to see the fest? Not so many, I guess.:rolleyes:

Well, there are three famous festivals: Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic and Beast Feast.

I'll put link for the line-ups, so please tell me if you are willing to fly to Japan just to see them, with such shitty prices and jet-lag:grin:

Fuji Rock- http://www.smash-uk.com/frf02/lineup_stages.html (3day ticket- $317)
Summer Sonic - http://www.summersonic.com/02pages/tokyo/timetable/index.htm (2day ticket- $184)
Beast Feast - http://www.beastfeast.net/ (2day ticket- $150)

I didn't go to FR nor SS. I'm not sure about BF... I'd love to see Slayer. Motorhead and Arch Enemy, though:p