Few questions about the Sansamp BDDI


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Im in the market for one of these soon however I have a few setup questions.
Ive searched around on the forum and found some good reading however I have a few questions that I would like specific answers too, so forgive me :)

What I want is too have two bass signals, one dirty (sansamp) and one clean DI signal to be recorded simultaneously so I can fiddle about with them both in the mix. Is it possible to acheive this with JUST a sansamp and/or line in on the interface or do I need a seperate DI box. I just want to know if I need to buy anything else for this.

Basically I have 2 instances:

1) Early next year I should be recording a band with a real bass amp *eek*, I know the amp head has a line out so is my best bet to use the sansamp in front of the amp for the dirty signal + mic then have the DI on top of that. (Referring to my above question on how to do this)

2) I usually record without a bass amp with a 1/4" straight into the front of the interface, with the sansamp can I do the same splitting dirty and clean signals without the need for any futher hardware or...? Being as no mic is involved.

All kinda a similar question but would be cool to get a few suggestions since im not up on how you can connect the Sansamp and what its possiblities are.

Sorry for explaining it in baby talk but I just like clear questions and answers.

Hope this is understandable!

J :kickass:
If you want to have a clean/dirty DI signal then I'd advise getting a normal DI box and chaining it to the BDDI's parallel output port. Or just plugging the parallel out directly into your interface as you said earlier.
If you want to have a clean/dirty DI signal then I'd advise getting a normal DI box and chaining it to the BDDI's parallel output port. Or just plugging the parallel out directly into your interface as you said earlier.

Ah right thanks! Im assuming a dedicated DI box would sound better than using my interface line in? Using a Focusrite Saffire Pro atm.

Ive been browsing some DI box's:


This one looks decent, don't know if I need active or not however?
Anymore DI box reccommendations guys?

And is it as simple as pluging in the Sansamp for the dirty tone as normal and connecting the "parallel output" on it to DI box and jobs a good un'?
Yes. But if you are going to buy a Direct Box only for this I would recommend you to pick a Reamp box instead. This way you can track only the DI bass, using the Sansamp BDDI on bypass (it turns into a transparent direct box) and then reamp this clean DI through the Sansamp again. This is kind of what I´m doing with my stuff, the only difference is that I don´t need to use the Sansamp on bypass as a direct box, as my audio interface has a instrument level input. Reamp rocks. Dial the tone while you listen how well it blends in the mix is priceless.

Yeah its true, it would just for the bass really. I sometimes put the guitar in the interface for Revalver etc, but not very often, plus it works fine in the front of the Saffire so no harm in keeping it like that. Saying that, you just use your interface as the DI? Mine has the line inputs also, however im curious if using the Sansamp as the DI would produce a cleaner better quality signal than say my Saffire?

Reamp box being a fair amount more money than a bog standard DI but I see where your coming from, more options after the fact.