few questions for steve


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2006
Newfoundland, Canada
hey man,
i was just wondering about a few things.
1. when did you start and how long have you been playing bass?
2. how did you get started, what was your first bass, did you take lessons?
3.did the music you listened to as a kid and a teen influence your writing style now?
4. whats music/bands are you listening to now?

i'd appretiate it if you could answer these questions for me, i think your the fuckin man and a god on bass.

thanks alot
If I´m not mistaken, he did that on Control Denied (Breaking the Broken I guess) and Dark Hall (Changing Weather). Actually, both tapping patterns are quite similar, at least that was the impression I had while listening to them. He used fretless in both recordings, right?
not quite... check out Steve's site/equipment
about tapping on fretless - no serious damage is done