fewtubefx - vst plugins, free drum kits


Sep 3, 2020
Hi. Have you tried my Emerald boost plugin for doom, stoner? Check it on my website you will be not disappointed.


Also, there are other cool amps for heavy music and other styles too.

Demo on youtube

Marshall 1959SLP VST Morgan AC VST Ampeg V4 (VT22) VST Orange Rocker 30 VST Orange AD200 VST Orange Dark Terror VST Victory V30 The Countess VST Marshall JCM800 2204 VST Orange Jim Root signature VST Mesa Express 5:50 VST Mesa Stiletto Deuce II VST Morgan SW22R VST Matamp GT100 VST Orange OR120 VST Orange TH30 VST Dumble Overdrive Special #33 VST Electric Amp Innovations Green 120 W VST Sunn Model T reissue by Fender VST Trainwreck Express VST Laney AOR 100 VST Sunn Model T, 1975 VST Soldano SLO100 VST Soldano x88r VST Peavey 6505+ VST Peavey 5150 VST EVH 5150III 100W 6L6 Mesa Stiletto Deuce II VST Friedman JEL100 VST Sunn Sceptre VST Diezel Herbert VST Peavey Classic 30 VST Wizard MCII VST Laney GH100L VST Laney IRT60H, Iron Heart VST UA610 VST Wizard Mtl VST Naylor Superdrive 60 ( Budda Superdrive, Friedman Naked ) VST Suhr Reactive Load VST Fender Super Tweed 5F4 VST Laboga mr. Hector VST Friedman BE100 VST Friedman BE50 Deluxe VST Bogner Ecstasy 101B VST Bogner Ecstasy 100 VST Bogner Uberschall Twin Jet VST Friedman SS100 VST Fortin Meshuggah VST Mesa Dual Rectifier Solo Head VST Mesa Triple Rectifier VST Marshall JVM410, JVM210 VST Ampeg SVT HD VST Traynor YBA300 VST Mesa Bass Prodigy Four:88 VST Marshall VBA400 VST Mesa M-Pulse 600 VST Eden E300T VST Mesa Mini Rectifier 25 VST Diezel VH2 VST Marshall SL5-C Slash VST Marshall AFD100 VST Mesa Mark V VST Mesa Electra Dyne VST Marshall JCM900 2500 SL-X 50W VST Fender Bassbreaker 45 VST Mesa Boogie Lone Star VST Fender Tone Master VST Trainwreck Express Francesca VST Gallien Krueger MB200 VST Peavey Valve King 100 VST Hughes & Kettner TriAmp VST Marshall DSL100H VST Splawn Competition 50 VST Splawn Nitro VST Krank Rev JR 50 VST VHT Lead 20 VST VHT Deliverance 60 VST Magnatone Stereo Twilighter VST Mueller Amplification Classic VST Cornford MK50H II VST Koch Powertone II VST Cornford Hellcat VST Yerasov Detonator 100 VST Mesa Rectoverb Series II 50 VST Mesa Road King Series II VST
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Boost version has advanced booster fx, that gives sustain similar to real amp. Later I will upload ordinary Emerald too.
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I tried the emerald boost, it has lots of gain playing with the 3 gain stages, really nice! Just a quick question for the freq and gain parameters, they act like a sort of an eq, i.e. I choose a frequency and then I decide to boost or cut it, is it right?
I've seen on your website that there's a video of "sunbeam f" based on a Sunn Model T but I didn't find the demo, is it available? I'd like to try, I'm a big fan of amps like that (and the Matamp and Orange) for doom or stoner tones. Thanks!
Yes, gain boost or reduce freq but not usually. With reducing it could gives nice specific effects. While boosting gives a lot of sustain, like 4x12 behind you. I'm glad you like it. Enjoy.
Sunbeam f - it is Fender reissue, and sunbeam t - it is Sunn. I'll upload those plugins later and Orange too.
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Reactions: Omega Station
You can download GTamp on my website - Matamp GTO tone. Very rare cool modern hi-gain model.
You can download demo-version RectoampRed - Dual Rectifier (Red channel) tone in rock section.
You can download demo-version Fives amp - 5150II (Rhythm channel) tone in metal section.
Another early revision of Herbert, with send return and Midcut. KT77 in Power Amplifier as before. Check metal section for demo-version.
Delux Amp and HotDelux Amp - Friedman BE100 Delux tone in rock section. HBE and BE channels. Demo version.
My web site updated. You can download plugins with GUI. And I'll upload on my website only plugins with GUI.
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