Fiction delayed in Canada?

@the latin americans: why the hell would you want to move out of good weather? i mean - aside from work-related reasons. but seriously, leaving costa rica for bears and ice? i'd understand the iced beers, but you can have those where you are. i wish i was a resident of recoleta now.

Yes I know, but it is in my believe that mostly everyone aspires to be someplace different than when they are right now. For example, me or Afz902K thinking of moving some place in which is not so freaking hot, or a lot of US (:zombie: ) citizens moving here for the beaches and stuff.

IMO Latin America, at least Costa Rica, is a natural paradise, and I really love that :) , ahhhh lovely forests :) .

And well, I really like the Spanish language ye know, it's difficult but still it's one of me native languages (the other being English because of me dad), and I like it :) .

Now, afz902k mentioned a lot of stuff and most of it is true.

1 - The governors, as everywhere else, but a lot more here, are a bunch of corrupt people who just want to sell the country to foreign hands, usually US or Europeans.

I mean, just look what happenned to Mexico! They did a treaty with the US (COMEX), and now they're doing worse than ever! Why? Because the treaty basically said that a lot of the food had to be imported from the US, so you see this horrible image of Mexican agirculturists in their already-dead fields seeing how loads and loads of trucks with food from the US are coming into the country. Food, that is, that the Mexicans themselves used to harvest on their own, but now they have to buy it from the US.

2- Most people are really closed minded and ignorant. Since this are totally religious based countries, most people think like "Uhh he wears black, he's the devil! THE DEVIL!!! Ohhh Loord saaave him saaave him, god is light..." and bla bla bla etc.

3- Regetón.

Just imagine the most horrible hip-hop, but with in a Latin-american way. Everywhere. You won't go out the street and not hear regéton. Hence you have to take your discman to listen to lovely metal but having the awfully high chance of getting robbed and killed.

Siren said:
Why "filthy indian"? Perhaps i have an idealised view of them, so i'd like to know more about the issue and why the regular mexicans see them that way.

As for the rest of the things you mentioned, except for a few things, i'm pretty sure that you would encounter similar problems everywhere.

What do you mean by "regular" Mexicans? Indians ARE the regular Mexicans!!!! As in, 80% of the population you know? Or do you actually believe what CNN and the Mexican soap operas show you?


Anyway, me and every Latin-American user around here could go on and on with this for ages, so if you want I can create a thread to discuss about this :) . I would really like to, most Europeans and US citizens have a really stupid and ignorant opinion about Latin America.
Well, it's a long story...
That was pretty elaborate, thanks.

What do you mean by "regular" Mexicans? Indians ARE the regular Mexicans!!!! As in, 80% of the population you know? Or do you actually believe what CNN and the Mexican soap operas show you?

I thought it was the way you say it, but please read the way afz talked about it. It really did seem like 90% of mexicans are stuck up bitches who refer to a small minority as "filthy indians". Not my fault, sorry.
And for your information, i watch neither CNN nor mexican soap operas.

Anyway, me and every Latin-American user around here could go on and on with this for ages, so if you want I can create a thread to discuss about this . I would really like to, most Europeans and US citizens have a really stupid and ignorant opinion about Latin America.
As far as i'm concerned, you're free to open one. You people have managed to confuse me enough, some clarification would be welcome.

2nd edit: Btw, we too have corrupted politicians, closed minded people and bad music. The latter might not be reggaeton, but i suspect it's much worse, and i can't even describe it. It's called dog music.
Sorry, Siren, I just didn't want to keep going off-topic, since this thread is about fiction being delayed in Canada o:

So instead of posting it here, I will send you a PM.
well - i posted a South America related question in the appropriate thread, but let me say that i concur with siren on the fact that bad music is everywhere. i don't think that metal is the most popular genre in any country (and we wouldn't like that to happen, all things considered). silly radio stuff is predominant the world over, with the slight exception of britain where some of the silly radio stuff is actually not that shallow, but it's just a minor difference. here, we have local singers that are acclaimed as if they were saints and they do suck entirely: maybe some of you have heard of a guy called tiziano ferro, i cannot be free of his horrible music and moronic lyrics anywhere i go, every bar plays his song, in the gym there's a good chance i will be exposed to his songs, even some of my friends go to his shows... i'm just not making this bad taste go away no matter how i try. but the problem is not exclusive to latin america.
Since the horrible music discussion is going on here, i will reply the dog music question in this thread. I suppose the more correct translation is "doggies" (skyladika), and i tend to include all the greek(trash)pop in it. Most of it has eastern influences, i think. I could post links of the most horrible/funny/ridiculous examples to anyone who is trully curious, but i'd rather save your young and sensitive souls from the scars for now.
@siren: i went to thessaloniki to see someone and she paraded me around local clubs to get a taste of horrible music - she said the idea was to have a learning experience (she didn't like the stuff either), and boy it was. especially looking at how people of the two sexes behaved inside the clubs - for example, men and women coming in divided into separate groups. but i never. want. to. hear. the bad music. again. :p
@hyena: However bad the music is, there's some trash that is actually quite entertaining (when seen through the right perspective). Apart from the ridiculous lyrics that can offer endless laughs (eg "you broke my heart in pieces, for you i will eat all the sandwiches"), there's the latest variety of ridiculous "artists", who are fun to look at just because they're that horrible.
still no Fiction here in France :mad:
you should buy it online, it would probabily arrive sooner :p even if you have to import it form the US, it would take 2 weeks or 3 if they are slow. And when you import some cd from the US, its slightly less expensive tha buying it in a cd store (shipping cost included)
@hyena: tiziano ferro = HUGE hit here.

he tops the charts for months on end here.

but didn't he alienate all of the mexican population by claiming that mexican women do not shave their armpits? i remember seeing a news item to this effect.
@hyena: That was a funny claim, and I heard various angry females chatting about it, but even that didn't have a serious effect on his popularity, as far as I can tell - I don't really know if he has sold more or less albums per-timespan ever since.
I was so pissed off! I had reserved a copy (the only copy being shipped) from HMV and I waited and waited for their call to tell me it had arrived. Finally I went there and asked them about it, and nearly got them to sell it to me until they realized the release date had been moved to May 1st. So I had to go back the next day...and I haven't stopped listening to it since :)
you should buy it online, it would probabily arrive sooner :p even if you have to import it form the US, it would take 2 weeks or 3 if they are slow. And when you import some cd from the US, its slightly less expensive tha buying it in a cd store (shipping cost included)
I finally found a copy yesterday :D
lol finally :p

I remeber one zime i went to the local cd store of a small town near where my parents live. I wanted to order something, they didnt have it, didnt know when it was going to be release, and they didnt know if they could order it or not... because it had to be imported from Australia... and didnt know who was responsible for the european distribution.
Then they reserved one copy, and one month later (after i checked every week if someting arrived,) i come into the cd store, and i ask for my cd... then the damn seller tells me that they are sorry, someone else had bought it earlier the very same day :mad:
This store is retarded, i dont even understand why they didnt even order an other copy of the cd if someone else also told them he wanted to order it. :hypno:
Since then, when a cd is not in the store, i order online.
Yeah, I usually don't even bother looking for it in the local stores and just buy imports online, but this time I asked ahead of time if they would be getting it in, and how much if would cost (very reasonable). But...don't know if I'll be doing that again.