@the latin americans: why the hell would you want to move out of good weather? i mean - aside from work-related reasons. but seriously, leaving costa rica for bears and ice? i'd understand the iced beers, but you can have those where you are. i wish i was a resident of recoleta now.
Yes I know, but it is in my believe that mostly everyone aspires to be someplace different than when they are right now. For example, me or Afz902K thinking of moving some place in which is not so freaking hot, or a lot of US

zombie: ) citizens moving here for the beaches and stuff.
IMO Latin America, at least Costa Rica, is a natural paradise, and I really love that

, ahhhh lovely forests

And well, I really like the Spanish language ye know, it's difficult but still it's one of me native languages (the other being English because of me dad), and I like it

Now, afz902k mentioned a lot of stuff and most of it is true.
1 - The governors, as everywhere else, but a lot more here, are a bunch of corrupt people who just want to sell the country to foreign hands, usually US or Europeans.
I mean, just look what happenned to Mexico! They did a treaty with the US (COMEX), and now they're doing worse than ever! Why? Because the treaty basically said that a lot of the food had to be imported from the US, so you see this horrible image of Mexican agirculturists in their already-dead fields seeing how loads and loads of trucks with food from the US are coming into the country. Food, that is, that the Mexicans themselves used to harvest on their own, but now they have to buy it from the US.
2- Most people are
really closed minded and ignorant. Since this are totally religious based countries, most people think like "Uhh he wears black, he's the devil!
THE DEVIL!!! Ohhh Loord saaave him saaave him, god is light..." and bla bla bla etc.
3- Regetón.
Just imagine the most horrible hip-hop, but with in a Latin-american way. Everywhere. You won't go out the street and not hear regéton. Hence you have to take your discman to listen to lovely metal but having the awfully high chance of getting robbed and killed.
Siren said:
Why "filthy indian"? Perhaps i have an idealised view of them, so i'd like to know more about the issue and why the regular mexicans see them that way.
As for the rest of the things you mentioned, except for a few things, i'm pretty sure that you would encounter similar problems everywhere.
What do you mean by "regular" Mexicans? Indians
ARE the regular Mexicans!!!! As in, 80% of the population you know? Or do you actually believe what CNN and the Mexican soap operas show you?
Anyway, me and every Latin-American user around here could go on and on with this for ages, so if you want I can create a thread to discuss about this

. I would really like to, most Europeans and US citizens have a really stupid and ignorant opinion about Latin America.