Fight Em Till You Can't - soundcheck footage


Dec 16, 2002
This is very cool footage of Anthrax playing Fight Em at a soundcheck ....enjoy people:

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Now that's horrible. That song had balls musically and vocally, now it just sounds good musically. Let Scott sing the whole damn thing. Just like Joey sings, NO MORE!!!! Please God, NO MORE!!!
Now that's horrible. That song had balls musically and vocally, now it just sounds good musically. Let Scott sing the whole damn thing. Just like Joey sings, NO MORE!!!! Please God, NO MORE!!!

Horrible can't even explain how bad this is, and its getting worse.
Horrible can't even explain how bad this is, and its getting worse.

You my friend are officially not an Anthrax fan. So I get it. Go back to listening to Armored Saint. This song rips and Joey has a big reason to do with it. Just ask the majority of fans on this forum including the Bush backers. If you want to hear horrible go put the entire Vol. 8 or Stomp album on repeat.

This new song is a return to the old school AnTHRASH sound. Its awesome imo.
The concert version was somewhat better. I am sick and tired of this opera/vibrato thing in Joey's voice.
The concert version was somewhat better. I am sick and tired of this opera/vibrato thing in Joey's voice.

For one this was sound check. Typically during sound check vocalists will warm up their voices. There is nobody in the audience and they aren't playing the song to impress anyone other than the sound engineers.

You can analyze this to death. Just wait for the album to come out and you will see that Joey won't be using his full range like he does during warm up sessions.

Despite the fact you don't like that sound, I don't like that type of vocal much myself, I still find it impressive he is able to do it at this age and after so many years of vocal abuse on his throat. The dude still has an amazing singing voice.

So this is the Dan Nelson version. I have never seen a singer try so hard to imitate Phil Anselmo. I think Scott Ian should have just gone out and hired Phil to sing for Anthrax instead of trying to find someone who TRIES to be him. Talk about an identity crisis!

This guy might appeal to fans that want a generic sounding scream vocalist with minimal range. But Joeys version make this song go from a club sounding band to a 'big 4' sounding band.

I can't wait for this new album!
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I agree this does sound like a Phil Anselmo wannabe, but still, his vocal take had more "balls" and energy to it. I also like the atmosphere from the show, it was very different from the actual Anthrax show where you could really tell they're a support band (save for the three or four chanting guys) while everyone seems to be waiting for Slayer.
I agree this does sound like a Phil Anselmo wannabe, but still, his vocal take had more "balls" and energy to it. I also like the atmosphere from the show, it was very different from the actual Anthrax show where you could really tell they're a support band (save for the three or four chanting guys) while everyone seems to be waiting for Slayer.

Totally agree!

And for joey doin that vibrato shit to warm up is crap, he is doing it in every song in concert even his era stuff that didnt have it, but mostly other stuff which i kinda think he doing on purppose to mock it. Yes he will sound alittle better on a album cause they cause mix and dub and all kinds of stuff, But a amazing voice live he does not have anymore. Hopefully if this thing does go past a the first paychecks, he will try to get his live vocals back.
You my friend are officially not an Anthrax fan. So I get it. Go back to listening to Armored Saint. This song rips and Joey has a big reason to do with it. Just ask the majority of fans on this forum including the Bush backers. If you want to hear horrible go put the entire Vol. 8 or Stomp album on repeat.

This new song is a return to the old school AnTHRASH sound. Its awesome imo.

This. I suppose I may as well say it: vocally, I prefer John Bush over Joey Belladonna. I don't hate Joey, and don't care for the attitude that you can only like one or the other, but I guess you'd have to label me a "Bush backer."

That said, I like this song, and think Joey's version sounds better than Dan's.
Love it. This is sounding so much like POT era stuff and I think it totally fucking destroys.