Fight 'Em from Scranton (sounds better and better!)

Wait till you hear John Bush's version...:)


This is the ONLY way to sing ONLY:

Look at all those disappointed people. They came to see Anthrax, well mostly Joey, cause noones likes anthrax without him except two bush fans and they have to hear a grudge song. but wow those two bush fans that like the song only can sing really loud. they make it sound like its the whole crowd. but we know thats not true.
The crowd sang "Only" only to make Joey feel welcome, understanding how awkward it must have be to sing a another's subpar song live.

Funny thing is in that video it is john singing on stage, a pack crowd and everyone singing only.
Look at all those disappointed people. They came to see Anthrax, well mostly Joey, cause noones likes anthrax without him except two bush fans and they have to hear a gruNge song. but wow those two bush fans that like the song only can sing really loud. they make it sound like its the whole crowd. but we know thats not true.

Yes, rest of the ppl, apart from these two, are really bored, falling asleep and scream that they want Joey.

I went and listened to it. I have to say HD recording live material is just really awesome in general, but the song....Yea i like it. and I liked it when I heard Dan Nelson do it the first time as well. You wont see me whine and bitch about who and what and all that waste of keystroke bullshit that some people live and die by. Shut the fuck up and play, and ill make sure to get the next CD when it comes out.

End Rant.
Yes, because Among the Living, Persistence of Time, Spreading the Disease and State of Euphoria were all glam rock....:lol::lol::lol:

Just stop before you sound even more asinine than you already do.

When I think of Glam rock I think of Bands like Poison, Winger, Warrant, and Anthrax. I mean you gotta admit that songs like Unskinny Bop, She's only 17, and Cherry Pie are really similar to songs like Discharge and I am the Law.

So I can see how Johnnie would think Anthrax was Glam rock
80's Anthrax was definitely not "glam," just because Joey has big hair means squat.... and just the same, Bush era anthrax was definitely not "grunge," but back to the topic of this thread....

I agree fully, they sound tight as shit in this clip and Joey does sound amazing. Way better then the versions I saw posted with Dan Nelson, and Joeys voice sounds way better then on any of the videos I've seen of this tour or the "reunion" tour, and way better then when I saw him live a few years ago solo. Makes me pumped for the new album.
Fight about Joey and John all you want, but I am psyched! if you watch the videos's you can clearly see the chemistry is there again. The look like they are having a blast and look much more genuie than back with the first reunion. They sound killer and tight as fuck. there's finally gonna be a new album and it's probably gonna be better than we all expected....
Fight about Joey and John all you want, but I am psyched! if you wnatch the videos's you can clearly see the chemistry is there again. The look like they are havnig a blast and much more genuie than back with the first reunion. They sound killer and ight as fuck. there's finally gonna be a new album and it's probably gonna be better than we all expected....

THANK YOU!!!!!! I agree! I saw them when they came to Baltimore.
Yes, because Among the Living, Persistence of Time, Spreading the Disease and State of Euphoria were all glam rock....:lol::lol::lol:

Just stop before you sound even more asinine than you already do.

I was only being just as asinine as you were with the "grunge rock" remark.