Fight Em Till You Can't - soundcheck footage

Totally agree!

But a amazing voice live he does not have anymore. Hopefully if this thing does go past a the first paychecks, he will try to get his live vocals back.

Honestly, what the fuck are you talking about? His vocals are spot on. Just about every review coming back from these tour dates talks about how Joey was nails. You haven't even gone to any of the shows yet you can sit here and say how his voice is not good live anymore? But you say you never liked his voice correct?

I still would like to know why you actually are on this forum? Do you really think Vol 8, Stomp, and WCFYA are actually better than this stuff they are doing now?

This new stuff sounds a lot like POT. If you don't like that album I don't know what to tell you other than you should probably throw in the towel on this band and go listen to Armored Saint. This new stuff sounds like Classic Anthrax, you know the Anthrax that got them to where they are as a band. The era which most fans associate with Anthrax. Give it a break already.
I agree this does sound like a Phil Anselmo wannabe, but still, his vocal take had more "balls" and energy to it. I also like the atmosphere from the show, it was very different from the actual Anthrax show where you could really tell they're a support band (save for the three or four chanting guys) while everyone seems to be waiting for Slayer.

I wish they left the arrangement alone.
I still would like to know why you actually are on this forum? Do you really think Vol 8, Stomp, and WCFYA are actually better than this stuff they are doing now?

. far I think so.

And I would like to remind you of the fact that all the new songs were written with Dan Nelson on board. Joey Belladonna did not have ANYTHING in common with it. far I think so.

And I would like to remind you of the fact that all the new songs were written with Dan Nelson on board. Joey Belladonna did not have ANYTHING in common with it.

But the new stuff sounds so much like PoT or the rest of Joey era stuff? How can this be?
JC alway spot on. Preach on brother...
I agree this does sound like a Phil Anselmo wannabe, but still, his vocal take had more "balls" and energy to it. I also like the atmosphere from the show, it was very different from the actual Anthrax show where you could really tell they're a support band (save for the three or four chanting guys) while everyone seems to be waiting for Slayer.
Yeah Johnnie good point, the big energy being Dan's violent headbanging, which was a perfect compliment to Scott and Frank's stage energy. It's like a riot on stage with these 3, Joey is more subdued but that's his style.
Opera vocals are killing me. There's a lot of people saying, "it's growing on me" maybe that's because you really want to like it.
Opera vocals are killing me. There's a lot of people saying, "it's growing on me" maybe that's because you really want to like it.

I'm not saying Joey has a bad voice but this song sounded better before they fucked with it. The song needs some balls not finesse. I want to here Joey sing some truly new material not some rehashed tunes they've been playing for the past three years or so.
The verse riff is very catchy. Joey's voice is fuller than Dan's and better complements Anthrax's simple riffs. far I think so.

And I would like to remind you of the fact that all the new songs were written with Dan Nelson on board. Joey Belladonna did not have ANYTHING in common with it.

According to a recent interview with Charlie and Scott, some of the new songs will remain as written and others will be rewritten/re-arranged with Joey. far I think so.

And I would like to remind you of the fact that all the new songs were written with Dan Nelson on board. Joey Belladonna did not have ANYTHING in common with it.

True but all the material from Spreading was written for a different singer as well. And Joey was never really involved in the song writing process anyways--thats why he was fired
True but all the material from Spreading was written for a different singer as well. And Joey was never really involved in the song writing process anyways--thats why he was fired

Interesting. So John Bush came into the band and had influence on the song writing and outside of SOWN those were the worst written songs Anthrax has ever written. So does this mean that those albums like Stomp and Vol. 8 were poorly written because John Bush had 'influence' on them? Interesting indeed!
Joey's version sounds nasal and less powerful than Nelson's... it is lame!
