Film Samples in Songs

They sampled the clanking noises from the dwemer ruins in that game (which I sadly recognize due to it being one of my favorite games evar) in some little ambient section.

And I didn't know about that one Deadpost, guess they're real fans...

Amazing game. I need to check this out...
Both of those were rather annoying sound effects, though...the whispers were cool the first time you heard them, but then intensely irritating, especially since the rather jolly exploration theme would still be playing alongside them...
Abigor uses a sample from Bergman's The Seventh Seal at the beginning of "Kingdom of Darkness." It's actually pretty awesome the way it transitions into the song.

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What about them?
Are you looking for more?
If so, Impetigo and Mortician. That outta kill any want you have for them.

nah I was just woundering to see what other people could come up with.
Thanks for the tips tho :kickass: