Metal bands and film soundtracks.


May 26, 2002
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I'm sat here listening to Summoning and I can't help feeling that it would be really interesting to hear them score a movie.
Despite the fact that I'm a complete film nerd, I've yet to think of one solid example where metal has played it's part onscreen without being anything but a novelty (Cannibal Corpse-Ace Ventura). Steve Austin is apparently working on a film soundtrack which should be interesting, and Impaled have a few songs on an Italian horror film.

Any general thoughts on the topic?
Alot of metal music would undoubtedly be brilliant on film soundtracks, but i'm straining to think of any examples where its been used.
Cryptkeeper said:
Summoning shoud definitly score a film. I think Drudkh could do a great film score too. Not metal, but classic prog-rock, Goblin scored many of Italian director's Dario Argento's films. The best being the "Suspiria" soundtrack.
I was actually thinking of Goblin but as you said, they're more prog-rock than metal.
Also, I think their greatest work is on Dawn of the Dead.Particularly the scene where Ken Foree and co. are in a helicopter heading towards the mall rooftop.
LordFireworm said:
Also, I think their greatest work is on Dawn of the Dead.Particularly the scene where Ken Foree and co. are in a helicopter heading towards the mall rooftop.

Dawn of the Dead is great. Profondo Rosso (Deep Red) is also very good).

Alot of metal bands are just on the soundtrack for horror movies. Like Alice Cooper's songs The Man Behind the Mask and Teenage Frankenstein for Friday the 13th part VI.
Of course it was after they had left the realm of metal, but both of Ulver's soundtracks ("Lyckantropen Themes" and "Svidd Neger") are excellent. Can't think of much metal in movies, though it would definitely work...
I used Windir's "Destroy" in a movie I made for school and it totally kicked arse.

EDIT: Not to mention in various short clips I made for my school's news program I've featured Decapitated, Aborted, Origin...and countless others over the past couple years. :D
You guys have never seen Gummo or Spun, have you?

Spun is made by one of the original Bathory members, whos now a world re-knowned producer, doing music videos for Madonna, Satyricon and shit, and also did this movie with Britney Murphy, John Leguizamo, Jason Schwartzman and some others. It's this really requiem-for-a-dream type of cracked out movie about speed, and one of the characters in the movie is this kid called frisbee. he likes black metal, and they show him watching satyricon's 'mother north' for 20 seconds on the tv screen! they also play emperor and shit while he rides his bike, and he has a gauntlet/bm posters on in the background. for more info go to

Gummo is another good movie, harder to explain. but it features music from such acts as: burzum, absu, bathory, NIFELHEIM, mortician, brujeria, eyehategod, sleep, bethlehem, mystifier and others. tracklisting for the soundtrack can also be found here:
I've heard a lot about Gummo, but I'd never heard of Spun. Check this out.


Thats fucken Rob Halford :kickass:
yeah, Rob Halford is also the porn shop clerk in the movie =p, while billy corgan (zwan) is the doctor who sees frisbee(black metal kid) after he gets shot in the nuts
Jaded said:
You guys have never seen Gummo or Spun, have you?
Actually I've seen both, and Spun sucked balls. Jonas should stick to music videos because he can't tell a good story for shit.
However, I can't believe I forgot Gummo! Probably the most metal heavy (no pun intended) film out there. It's odd considering I've never heard Harmony Korine talking about metal, but maybe the decisions were made by his musical advisor.
Wasn't Slayer in the movie soundtrack for Less Than Zero (i think they did the Iron Butterfly song In a Gadda Da Vida) and also in River's Edge (with other old school bands as well) .... ? :Smug:
Funeral Portrait said:
I used Windir's "Destroy" in a movie I made for school and it totally kicked arse.

EDIT: Not to mention in various short clips I made for my school's news program I've featured Decapitated, Aborted, Origin...and countless others over the past couple years. :D

Decapitated is amazing.