Metal bands and film soundtracks.

Dimmu Borgir's 'Perfection Or Vanity' or whatever that instrumental track from 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia' is was in the trailer for Hellboy... haven't seen the Chronicles Of Riddick trailer yet, what track was used there?

Also, there's a band called Celldweller - Klayton from 90s industrial metallers Circle Of Dust's solo project - who've had every last track from their debut album optioned for appearance on movie, TV and video game soundtracks. And they're not even signed!

Finally, no metal movie soundtrack is ever gonna match up to This Is Spinal Tap's....
Focusphere said:
Gummo? Postmodern shock-value garbage. At least Burzum was on the soundtrack. Aside from that, recycle!
I'm not saying it should be talked about in schools, but certain scenes were hysterical i.e. When the main character starts doing bicep curls with spoons.