films ppl should see

Serial Mom :

Flatliners :

I saw these 'oldies' again recently, both are proper bo !
toolsofthetrade said:
u make 'm den mate. i like his weird way of associating with things, the image - reflection of thoughts... i leaarn a great deal only watching his films.

I like the way all the arty farty people were over the moon about these great dogme concepts, but didn't give any thought to the recent news that none of them were followed, all bollox. I bet all his social phobias and prozac praising are greatly exaggerated for publicity too, bulshit all of it.

And I'm yet to enjoy a movie of his, but I haven't seen a lot of the recent ones, I've tried "The Idiots" 3 times, fell asleep twice and got too bored to continue the last time.
Allan said:
I like the way all the arty farty people were over the moon about these great dogme concepts, but didn't give any thought to the recent news that none of them were followed, all bollox. I bet all his social phobias and prozac praising are greatly exaggerated for publicity too, bulshit all of it.

And I'm yet to enjoy a movie of his, but I haven't seen a lot of the recent ones, I've tried "The Idiots" 3 times, fell asleep twice and got too bored to continue the last time.
sorry Allan, but these days u sound fairly arrogant in your posts.
perhaps its just me, but u seem to have quite a vision on films u dont even bother to finish watching, let alone watching all of them? Well, i havent, cos there's a list of about 50 films made in the thought of Dogme :erk: tho i've tried to watch the main ones, and ah yeh they inspired me allright.
perhaps its not about copying the style of the concept, but taking cinema further thru these experiments in style and concept.
thats what counts for me, not the prozac behind it.

for me his work is a thousand times better than Kill Bill episode #23 or Charlie's Angels 19. :ill:
Ahh, don't call me arrogant because I hate Lars Von Trier, I'm bombarded with how great the guy is all the time, and I'm sick of it, that's all. It's very rare for me to give up on films before they're finished, so it just speaks volumes on how much I disliked it.

About dogme, they've been very public on how strictly they followed these rules, and they've received loads of publicity because of it. Then years after, they claim, everyone should have known they couldn't be followed, so they couldn't understand why people were so shocked they weren't, just bullshit. I liked "Festen" by Thomas Vinterberg though, very touching. "Mifunes Sidste Sang" was ok too.
Allan said:
Ahh, don't call me arrogant because I hate Lars Von Trier, I'm bombarded with how great the guy is all the time, and I'm sick of it, that's all. It's very rare for me to give up on films before they're finished, so it just speaks volumes on how much I disliked it.

About dogme, they've been very public on how strictly they followed these rules, and they've received loads of publicity because of it. Then years after, they claim, everyone should have known they couldn't be followed, so they couldn't understand why people were so shocked they weren't, just bullshit. I liked "Festen" by Thomas Vinterberg though, very touching. "Mifunes Sidste Sang" was ok too.
i wasnt saying that solely cos of how u dislike LvT.
and yes, i've seen that item, the interview with them Dogme filmmakers, and i too was a bit off me tits about them renouncing their own rules at their disposal. but thats not about the films. i just cant believe u seem to dislike some of their films cos of the concept and whether its not being observing the 'regulations'. fuck them rules. u tend to stick at that point, not looking beyond.
Haha, no, I dislike Lars Von Trier because he solemnly hailed these concepts and then laughed at people who were surprised he didn't actually follow them.

I hate his films because they're boring and tasteless at times. And as said "festen" (or "The party" or whatever they named it in English) was good.
Allan said:
Haha, no, I dislike Lars Von Trier because he solemnly hailed these concepts and then laughed at people who were surprised he didn't actually follow them.
do more Danes have this problem? :tickled:

I hate his films because they're boring and tasteless at times.
thats what u find. dont generalize please.
i dont find them tasteless nor boring, i find it extraordinary to see those kind of films - one of its kind imo.

whats 'tasteful' in your eyes then?
yes, i know many Danes who have that problem, afraid I don't see the need for a laughing smiley in that context.

It's pretty obvious it's what I find, you want me to put "I think" before every sentence, maybe change it up with IMO at the end instead, or IMHO to make things really fancy. Seems sort of redundant.

What's tasteful? Not sure what you mean, but here's a bunch of movis, I like: Meet The Feebles, Magnolia, Seven, Rainman, Finding Forrester, Barbara, Good Will Hunting, Full Metal Jacket, Cocktail, As Good As It Gets, Vanilla Sky, Boondock Saints, Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men (anything with Lemmon and Matthau really), Trainspotting, Beavis and Butthead Do America, South Park thingy, The Wall...
Allan said:
yes, i know many Danes who have that problem, afraid I don't see the need for a laughing smiley in that context.
read back a cpl of posts.

It's pretty obvious it's what I find, you want me to put "I think" before every sentence, maybe change it up with IMO at the end instead, or IMHO to make things really fancy. Seems sort of redundant.
thats exactly what makes me feel as if i dont have an opinion in this since "the great Allan has already shared his opnion", as such that post comes across to me.

What's tasteful? Not sure what you mean, but here's a bunch of movis, I like: Meet The Feebles, Magnolia, Seven, Rainman, Finding Forrester, Barbara, Good Will Hunting, Full Metal Jacket, Cocktail, As Good As It Gets, Vanilla Sky, Boondock Saints, Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men (anything with Lemmon and Matthau really), Trainspotting, Beavis and Butthead Do America, South Park thingy, The Wall...

so what makes the Dogme films so untasteful in that context?
and pardon me, but how tasteful exactly is Beavis & Butthead do America? :erk: no offence, but after a cpl of B&B episodes on the telly, u know what to expect of sth like "do America"...
So, it shows modesty to put "I think" before every sentence, how odd.

I'm sorry you don't find Beavis and Butthead tasteful, but the movie made me laugh, quite a few times even.
i think a good film is arlington rd,with this cheeky bastard tim robbins up in front.and i saw a british film with all the new blood of brit actors and it was quite in a good mood.for adding a clue,the star is in his bathroom and says to his girl:"im telling you, there is an alarming amount of small craniums out there.":)
Allan said:
So, it shows modesty to put "I think" before every sentence, how odd.
not necessairily every snetence, but in my opnion it does, yeh. how odd-what?

I'm sorry you don't find Beavis and Butthead tasteful, but the movie made me laugh, quite a few times even.
i didnt say that; i've seen it by now, after an X amount of episodes with the same humour, i dont expect that film to be a very large addition to taste really. its funny, but after tens of times eating the same cake, there's nothing special about it anymore.
It's a pleonasm :o , means nothing. I don't get how that is modest, of course, it's my opinion when I say, I don't like a movie.

Would it then be more modest to say "From my viewpoint, I personally think I'm of the opinion that this film is bad"?
Exactly, there's no need to state, it's what I think, would make sense to say sth like "hope I'm not offending anyone" or "no offense", sorry I didn't, but I never thought people could take personal offense while discussing movies, no offense, hehe, it's not like I said you were an idiot for liking his movies or sth personal like that.