films ppl should see

haha, "Top Gun" is on telly here, great stuff, I wanted to put that on my list too, but I was worried about the amount of Tom Cruise films there.
marginalé said:
the film i could think about now are:

i have a doubt about " y tu mama tambien" do you have english subtittles for this?? cuz once i did download from a swedish server and that was in spanish.. obvious is a mexican film but no subtittles at all... and what did you think about this crappy film? haha
Just rent the movies instead of downing some crappy bootleg-quality crap versions with jiddish subtitles for fucks sake! :yell: :yell:

anybody who wants to see some specific movie should have that 3-4 euros for rental.

and that y tu mama tambien was ace. I should see it again, yeh.
Whoa, just stumbled across this one:

it should satisfy quite a few people here:

it's written by Charlie Kaufman who's known for his clever and uniquely (is that a word?) funny scripts.
the synopsis sounds really interesting
it stars Jim Carrey, who not only does good physical comedy, but has proved to be good in more dramatic parts as well
and last but deffo not least there's the ever lovely KIRSTEN DUNST :p

+ kate winslet and elijah baggins and tom wilkinson (great in 'in the bedroom') :grin:
judging from the cast it might be an interesting one! Haven't read about the story yet. And about Carrey, well last one, Bruce almighty that is, i wasn't too keen on that, he hardly put a smile on me face. But me, myself and i was ace, and so was the mask and trueman show
PF: The Wall
American beauty
Pulp fiction
Donnie Darko
Vanilla sky
The Big Lebowski
Blade Runner
Arizona Dream
Monthy Pythons...
Ali G
Kill Bill
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Infernal Affairs (HK)
Spirited Away
Chungking Express
Battle Royale
The Killer (J.Woo)
Electric dragon 80000V
just dont see desperado 2: once upon a time in mexico. its utter shite. worst movie ive seen since.... i dunno anymore what has been worser.
bender the offender said:
i have a doubt about " y tu mama tambien" do you have english subtittles for this?? cuz once i did download from a swedish server and that was in spanish.. obvious is a mexican film but no subtittles at all... and what did you think about this crappy film? haha
i saw it twice when it was in cinema, so it was with subtityles.
did anyone mention Bad Lieutenant, its an overlooked masterpiece, you gotta see Harvey Keitel in that one. I think he is a brilliant actor but people seem not to notice him.
oh boy, oh boy, ohboyohboyohboy!

I remember reading few Enki Bilal comics years ago, especially that 'nikopol trilogy' (I know only the finnish titles) and being really into them. Imagine my surprise when I found out there's a film coming out (loosely?) based on those exact comics and directed by Bilal himself :eek: it's taken quite strong digital approach to the visuals I hear, but I'm not a bit worried since the visuals of Bilal needs that.

This just rocketed to my most anticipated movie this year :hotjump:

now I gotta go dig up those comics somewhere.
Donnie Darko
The Wall
Requiem for a Dream (the most effective movie I've ever seen)
Nearly all of the Kubrick movies (Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Oddysey, Full Metal Jacket)

I am a Darren Aronofsky fan (Pi and Requiem for a Dream), he uses all the techniques of movies so well that he doesn't even need special effects for anything like all those Hollywood crap where they just fill your eyes.

Not saying that all Hollywood movies are bad, but they're not making good movies anymore because of all those easy to do special effect stuff.