films ppl should see


AMERICAN HISTORY X - moved me bigtime - good message
HELLBOY! - finally a comic movie worth seeing
FRAILTY - I love disturbing films
DOG SOLDIERS - quite a suprisingly good b grade

and thats all i can think of now.
I saw Godsend.... what a pile of ....yeah, and we saw envy, what a load of...... its sad though, after the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, nothing comes close. Has Peter Jackson destroyed movies forever, or are we just waiting for King Kong......? There are actually no movies worth seeing at the moment.....
Wouter said:
i've seen troy lately. but i'm w8ing for kill bill 2.
I saw Kill Bill 2, I have a somewhat fanatic friend and he brought me to see both of the films. it was not that bad, not to mention I was not interested in it at all, so in the end it was a positive effect
i finally got to see Fahrenheit 9/11. It's truely shocking, even more than Bowling for Columbine, one can't believe his eyes and ears really.

What else did i see....ah I, Robot: It was better than i thought. One of the best action movie this year, at least it has some depth.
King Arthur: It didn't impress me that much i must say. I'm not that familiar with the story, but it simply didn't impress me as a self announced epic movie.
ah. rented Haute Tension (aka Switchblade Romance) the other day. 70's gory horror is coming back it seems :Spin: nevermind the fuck up near the end, before that (approx. 70min mark) the film is quite excellent, depressing and violent.




JU-ON:The Grudge and Ju-On:The Grudge 2 are two of the best films I've seen E V E R Another excellent one is the eye

Check out a Danish produced movie called Fear X, it has John Toturro and James Remar in it. It’s very David Lynch like. So if you are a fan of his works than I differently recommend it.
I haven't seen Dogville yet, but I don't mind the other works by Von Trier. But I do have to agree with Allan, that I don't buy von Trier's craziness. If you like horror movies, then I also recommend the Jap. horror movie Dark Water, it's best if you see it alone in the dark.
I think that one of the best Danish movies ever made is Festen (the Celebration) it is a very effective drama comedy that I can highly recommend
revileandy said:
JU-ON:The Grudge and Ju-On:The Grudge 2 are two of the best films I've seen E V E R Another excellent one is the eye
The first Grudge is indeed excellent, tho I wouldn't call it the best ever. Funny how these kind of films still manage to maintain the horror aspect even tho there haven't been too many new tricks since the first ringu. Guess totally whitefaced people with strange postures hit my inner fears for some reason :grin:

you should check Kairo aka Pulse as well. It's different in style but still (or there for) quite effective and excellent.
Of all the films that are out now I'd only like to see Fahrenheit. And maybe La Mala Educación. I've seen too many mediocre films lately.