films ppl should see


Donnie Darko - (I understood it almost perfectly. What are you having trouble with?)
Begotten - (Very, Very Bad Trip: The Movie. Fucking awesome when God disembowels himself and a girl comes out of the mess of entrails and masturbates him. Hazah!)
Battle Royale - ("It´s tough when friends die on you, but hang in there!")
Dellemorte, Dellamore - (AKA: Cemetery Man. Romantic comedy with an unhealthy dose of drama and.... zombies?)
Visitor Q - ( Salo for the new generation. Most of my friends refuse to watch it.)
Ichi The Killer - (would be perfect if not for the loose editing and Atari Jaguar CGI effects)
The Goonies - (childhood classic)
Labyrinth - (ditto)
Versus - (The Yakuza vs. escaped felons vs. a mystic vs. zombies)
Brother - (Kitano's best movie)
A Better Tomorrow 2 - (when a man from Hong Kong tells you to eat your rice, you eat the fucking rise! Tomorrow's lesson: it takes at least 25 bullets to kill an Asian man.)
Commando (comedy classic)
Neco z Alenky - (aka: Alice. Best visual interpretation of Alice in Wonderland that I can think of.)
El Topo - (I can't really think of words to describe it)
The Holy Mountain (ditto)
Happiness of the Katakuris - (one of Miike's gentler films. If a movie with singing/dancing decayed humans can be considered gentle.)
Dancer in the Dark - (...)
Toxic Avenger - (Greatest crap movie ever made)
Pink Flamingos - (Citizen Cane. Gone With the Wind. The Godfather. Pink Flamingos.)
I Stand Alone - (A love story between a horse butcherer and his mentally retarded daughter. I think he hates people too. Oh, and he wants to kill fags as well.)
Irreversible - (My friends won't watch this one either.)
Return of the Living Dead - ("Send more paramedics")
Evil Dead trilogy - (ended on a rather weak note, but then, what trilogy doesn't?)
Suicide Club - (Who knew little Japanese girls who sing terribly out of tune and can't dance could bring so much chaos to the world.)
Fantasia - (Goddamn brilliance!)

I bought Lost in Translation a week ago and still haven't gotten around to watching it. Maybe tomorrow.
On a side note, I watch A LOT of movies, multiple times, and I listed the ones that I most often come back to. So I'm not just listing off a bunch of movies, as these are ones that I watched for the second (or twenty-second) time recently, and they impress me. So I'm on topic. And drunk.

As for new movies.... I kinda liked the Dawn of the Dead re-do.
This isn't a recommendation but i was just wondering about this movie that came out a long time ago. It got great reviews at the time but i never saw it or found out what it was about. Does anyone know? It was called "Dead Man Walking".
Dead Man Walking was directed by Tim Robbins and it had Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn being a man in death row. It's been years since I saw it, but it made a strong impression on me. Highly recommended.
monster was cool tho i dont think its one of the best movies around. paranoia serial killer bullshit like.
i love Heat, mostly cos it has Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in it, in the same scenes and at the same time unlike Godfather Part 2 which also a cracker. Anyone seen Big Trouble in little China? lol Kurt Russell cracks me up in that
nomana-nuniyan said: anyways, this is just about my favorite movie....Raise The Red Lantern
i was 12 or 13 when i first saw it.. damn its still very impressive indeed..
Asian films are mainly 'slow', but thats no disadvantage in this one i reckon.
Cerulean said:
You've probably seen it already, but BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE is a total winner. I wonder what the Americans think of this one...
i'm not amarican but to me BFC is basically using a method as americans mostly apply in most of our (biased) views - i like it how Moore confronts the nation with mainly its ignorance, full in the face like. its blunt, but its good that guy stands up.
he got boo'ed at at them music awards, wasnt he?
The End Of The Affair is simply brilliant to me. A perfect tragedy with so much searing and subtle emotion running through the course of it. I really believe that it is one of Ralph Fiennes' best performances. And the music score is quite possibly one of the best I have ever heard. It makes me cry.....every time. Hey, I am a sensitive man you know :)
Well said scourge. I can't remember much of the movie anymore, tho. It's been a long time, and I was in fever when I watched it :)

To add to the thread, even tho it ain't a movie, we just finished the first series of Spooks two days ago. Twas a good show, really. British spy drama about MI5, with not much glamour, instead some twisted human fates. Gotta get the series two some day.

Crack Hitler said:
Whoa, just stumbled across this one:

it should satisfy quite a few people here:

it's written by Charlie Kaufman who's known for his clever and uniquely (is that a word?) funny scripts.
the synopsis sounds really interesting
it stars Jim Carrey, who not only does good physical comedy, but has proved to be good in more dramatic parts as well
and last but deffo not least there's the ever lovely KIRSTEN DUNST :p

+ kate winslet and elijah baggins and tom wilkinson (great in 'in the bedroom') :grin:
Saw this Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind yesterday. Was well impressed. I can imagine it surviving more viewings as well, so it just rocketed to the top of my dvd's-to-buy -list...

from the oldies, Pi is great, Requiem for A Dream as well.

somebody mentioned City Of God, it's ace, though i think it's 2003 or 2002.

there's nothing new that's special.. just some hollywood shite.. but Lost In Translation was very nice1.

from the classics, I saw Jarmusch's Ghost Dog the other day, and it hit me very hard. a MUST!
