Filtering Question....


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Alright so it's no so much a question as more of a poll really. I was just wondering what you guys do for filtering on guitars/overheads and stuff.

Not what frequencies but how hard.

For guitars I do a 12db/octave and on overheads I do 24db/octaves but only do it at like 350hz.....

What about you guys? High slope but lower frenquency or high frequency lower slope? I talking more general that specific examples, as obviously that is material specific.
It depends for me. For example say I am working with OH's. I will HPF somewere around 500 really hard. I will then start notching it up and lower the db drop to hear if I need to tame any of that stuff.