Let's talk about overheads.

Absolutely 100% goddamn fucking right on the money.:kickass:

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I'll ask.
"Opening up the hats." The dumbfuck (errr drummer, I mean) replies.
"Is this a disco record?" I'll inquire.
"No. It's a metal record." The drummer blurts.
"Then keep the hats closed." I'll order.

But the origin of the drummers thought there is how he hears the kit when practicing at home. It has nothing to do with being dumb.

A drumkit on a CD is a complete illusion and totally contrary to drum playing. What we ask a drummer to do goes against a drummers very nature---its not his fault. The reason why overheads and the whole kit are a bitch is because of the incredible taming you have to do to force this huge beast into a tiny box that is the modern mix

So what Im saying is give them a break because I hear this attitude all the time and although I know its just tounge in cheek they get sick of hearing it....their sound is the most complicated to capture, using umpteen mics, and guys who have not spent much time in the studio cant be expected to envision how the complete drum sound coalesces through all those mics when they have always heard their kit without them:rock:
But the origin of the drummers thought there is how he hears the kit when practicing at home. It has nothing to do with being dumb.

A drumkit on a CD is a complete illusion and totally contrary to drum playing. What we ask a drummer to do goes against a drummers very nature---its not his fault. The reason why overheads and the whole kit are a bitch is because of the incredible taming you have to do to force this huge beast into a tiny box that is the modern mix

So what Im saying is give them a break because I hear this attitude all the time and although I know its just tounge in cheek they get sick of hearing it....their sound is the most complicated to capture, using umpteen mics, and guys who have not spent much time in the studio cant be expected to envision how the complete drum sound coalesces through all those mics when they have always heard their kit without them:rock:

Dude, I hear ya. Belive me, tounge is firmly in cheeck here. I've worked with many intelligent drummers, and some are absolutely fantastic to work with.

HOWEVER, when a drummer can't count to four, or can't play to a metronome, all bets are off. It's not unrealistic to expect a drummer to keep proper time. If he can't do it, it's open season.

Pretty good Sly. though you need some natural reverb on the drums. plywood would help this as the carpeting just absorbs everything (i know cause thats how my set is and the kick is dead). though at the same time i have it in a part of my room that goes in and there isn't any padding around, so I get some natural reverb (even though it sucks). It allows everything to ring a little. (listen to OzNimbus he knows his drums)